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Medium 41cb02eef9f834ac59d0d6b629fd15c99d2b9194

Ep 363 - Books Set in a Country You’ve Never Been To + Book Muscles!

shows@maximumfun.org (Brea Grant, Mallory O'Meara)
Medium 181d651df6a16d9f9dc870a35824ebf8ec976c48
Flux : Green IO
Medium 41cb02eef9f834ac59d0d6b629fd15c99d2b9194

Ep 357 - Angry Robots and Queerd Fiction - the Hottest Books for Summer!

shows@maximumfun.org (Mallory O'Meara, Brea Grant)
Medium aff8b889188d12f8dd3e1fceb782884d21638455
Flux : Sleep With Me
Medium aff8b889188d12f8dd3e1fceb782884d21638455
Flux : Sleep With Me
Medium c85412d2f03ef6e62f37c429caaa39dc62df9ec8

Christmas 2023 - Refreshed After Dinner

Hawk & Cleaver | A Digital Story Studio bringing you the best new stories to watch, read, sniff, and absorb.
Medium bd2f4f8fdaf4596e5571fd5f61e4565e9a986447

Five Favorites of Fall

Kitchen Counter Media
Medium edc036c69117c8b817a2fd49e1b65f444ddf3b17

Film Studies - Hackers (Kids on Bytes)

rolistespod@gmail.com (Kalum)
Medium 562dd917ace257f456ddff8be2a934f312b14e3e
Medium 41cb02eef9f834ac59d0d6b629fd15c99d2b9194

Ep 339 - 2023 Challenge Review Plus 2024’s Challenge Reveal!

shows@maximumfun.org (Brea Grant, Mallory O'Meara)
Medium 41cb02eef9f834ac59d0d6b629fd15c99d2b9194

Ep 337 - 30 Minutes From Horny Town to Cozy Town - Reading Holiday Books

shows@maximumfun.org (Brea Grant, Mallory O'Meara)
Medium 41cb02eef9f834ac59d0d6b629fd15c99d2b9194

Ep 305 - Which Books to Bring on Vacation

shows@maximumfun.org (books, reading, vacation books, cozy animal books, beach read, light books, ereader, skimming)
Medium 41cb02eef9f834ac59d0d6b629fd15c99d2b9194
Brea and Mallory discuss the best cozy reading set ups, test out the Rocketbook, and recommend non-boring literary fiction. Email us at readingglassespodcast...
Medium 41cb02eef9f834ac59d0d6b629fd15c99d2b9194

Ep 278 - Soup, Bonfires, and Sweaters - Autumnal Books Galore with Lev Rosen!

shows@maximumfun.org (Brea Grant, Mallory O'Meara, Lev Rosen)
Medium 41cb02eef9f834ac59d0d6b629fd15c99d2b9194

Ep 276 - Get Out Your Wool Socks - Cozy Reads

shows@maximumfun.org (Brea Grant, Mallory O'Meara)