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Maltin on Movies

Leonard Maltin & Jessie Maltin
Legendary film critic Leonard Maltin and his daughter Jessie are the ultimate movie fans. They love talking about movies, especially with people who share their enthusiasm—from living legends like Mel Brooks, Carl Reiner, and Quincy Jones to such contemporary artists as Amy Adams, Viggo Mortensen, Laura Dern, and Bryan Cranston. You’ll meet all kinds of interesting people and hear their recommendations of unsung movies you ought to know...
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The chair of molecular immunology is devoted to the analysis of the molecular and cellular mechanisms which underlie the functionning of the immune system,especially in humans .Some emphasis is given to systems immunology. Strong links have been established with the Singapore Immunology Network (SIgN) ,of which Pr P Kourilsky is currently the Chairman.
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Christine PETIT, Professeure de la chaire de « Génétique et physiologie cellulaire » La physiologie du système auditif, en particulier celle des premiers relais de traitement des signaux sonores, est assez bien comprise. En revanche, les mécanismes cellulaires et moléculaires qui la sous-tendent échappaient encore à toute caractérisation, au début des années 1990. L'approche génétique que le laboratoire du Professeure Christine Petit en proposa, a permis d'en initier le déchiffrage. Cette recherche adossée à l'identification des gènes dont l'atteinte est responsable de formes précoces de surdité chez l'homme, se développe sous la forme d'études multidisciplinaires. Elle éclaire les bases moléculaires de la formation et du fonctionnement de l'organe sensoriel auditif, notamment de ses cellules sensorielles ainsi que la pathogénie d'un vaste ensemble de surdités héréditaires du sujet jeune. Elle est aussi à l'origine de la découverte de nouvelles propriétés physiologiques du système auditif. L'objectif de la recherche s'est élargi depuis peu à l'élucidation de la pathogénie de la presbyacousie, surdité neurosensorielle liée à l'âge, et à une approche thérapeutique du syndrome Usher. Les cours de Christine PETIT portent sur le système auditif, son fonctionnement et ses dysfonctionnements. Ils s'adressent à un public intéressé par les neurosciences, la psychoacoustique, la musique et les troubles de la communication acoustique. Professor Christine PETIT is holding the chair of "Genetics and Cellular Physiology". Despite the amazing knowledge gathered on the physiology of the auditory system, especially at the peripheral level, the sensory organ and its innervation, the underlying molecular mechanisms, were escaping characterization. Then, on the grounds of the identification of the genes causative for the early onset forms of deafness in humans pioneered by Professor Christine Petit, her laboratory set off to decipher the cellular and molecular mechanisms of hearing, the way in which the auditory system develops and processes acoustic signals. Crossing the boundaries between medical and basic research fields, multidisciplinary analyses enable this laboratory to decipher the molecular physiology of the sensory organ (especially of auditory sensory cells), the pathogenesis of a large spectrum of inherited deafness forms and also to uncover new physiological properties of the auditory system. Today, its research encompasses additional objectives, such as in particular the treatment of Usher syndrome, using a gene-therapy approach of the retinal defects associated to congenital profound deafness and the elucidation of the pathogenesis of presbycusis, age-related sensorineural hearing loss, in the perspective of preventing and alleviating this very frequent communication disorder.
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Xavi Carafí Mauri
WHERE ROCK’N’ROLL IS OUT LOUD Durante dos horas, NU ROCKS repasa de manera muy exhaustiva toda la Actualidad del Hard Rock, el AOR, el Rock Melódico y el Heavy Metal, en todas sus vertientes y colores. Tendrás Muchas novedades, primícias, Clásicos, Notícias de última Hora, Repaso a la Agenda roquera, Entrevistas y Especiales que iremos montando. Son dos horas con la mejor de las etiquetas musicales que conocemos; Hard & Heavy! Xtra Hard, Xtra Heavy!!
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queer and queer-friendly music
HOMOGROUND is an audio podcast featuring music by queer (LGBTQ & allied) bands/musicians. The podcast was created to bring exposure & access to non-mainstream bands, especially those in isolated communities. We are building a network of queer musicians & music lovers. www.homoground.com


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Best night ever in park head especially when peno was missed, atmosphere was electric and nearly missed flight home L’amour est un...
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Entrevue avec Benjamin Roa - Ingénieur du son | EP 06

S. Berthomet - Go-script média : production et podcasting
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492 - Especially vs. Specially

Michael Digiacomo Happy English
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Flux : Mercredi !