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Turned Out A Punk

Turned Out A Punk
Damian Abraham has been many things... the singer of a critically acclaimed band, a failed VJ and food network host, one of the minds behind TV's "The Wrestlers", parent of 3... and undeniably, a punk music obsessive. Each week, he sits down and chats with an interesting person from various walks of life to find out how their world was influenced and changed by the discovery of a novelty genre that supposedly died out in 1978... PUNK!
Medium b1fda4e3d0cd725d316a0ee7a9c9ceb295f5a2e6

Outils du Manager

Cedric Watine
"Moins de Theorie et plus de Management". Des outils concrets pour devenir un meilleur Manager au quotidien. Plus d'infos sur www.outilsdumanager.com Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez ausha.co/fr/politique-de-confidentialite pour plus d'informations.
Medium 19662703ae4c9a56d5153a1887d70b51a6d92c8f
Le podcast PE-DA-GO-GIQUE autour du jeu de rôle
Le jeu de rôle papier est un loisir fabuleux mais de prime abord compliqué Moult ressources ici pour vous aider à débuter sereinement. Définitions, conseils, outils, coups de projecteur etc.
Medium 6ad2143e56b129292a738f6529ac1b107068225d

The Emmaus Project Podcast

Emmaus Project Podcast
Two Brothers, one podcast and a whole bunch of th…
Two Brothers, one podcast and a whole bunch of theology. If you love theology, interviews and a few laughs here and there, this is the podcast for you. Welcome to the Emmaus Project podcast where we remind you that Jesus loves exposition. Here at the Emmaus Project podcast we are all about exposition. Our favorite preachers are expositors, we ourselves are expositors and we are convinced of the importance and need for exposition. Our name comes from Luke 24:13-33. In this passage, the two disciples were walking home after the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. As they were traveling, Jesus approached them and they did not recognize Him. Jesus asked them what they were discussing and the disciple answered things about Jesus the Nazarene. The disciples failed to understand that Jesus was the Messiah, the Son of God. Jesus then began to explain the Scriptures to them. It is the Emmaus Project podcast’s firm conviction that the world has two fundamental problems, they do not understand the Scriptures and they misunderstand Jesus. It is our goal to explain the Scriptures and encourage our listeners to fall in love with the Word of God. It is our heartfelt desire to have God’s Word as the authority of the church. So join us for this Christ centered, biblical concentrated, and Gospel focused podcast. Caleb Hilbert- Pastor/Teacher at Little Salmon bible Church in Pollock, Idaho Ty Hilbert – Musician/Youth pastor at Grace Bible Church in Gillette, Wyoming Dustin Clay- Podcast Guest
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French with Rifath

French with Rifath
Take your French to the next level !
Take your French to the next level !


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A2G329 - Size Matters

AXE TO GRIND PODCAST & Sound Talent Media
Medium 13a942630e912a812ba20fd72b8a104e16e553f7

David Duchovny

Pete Holmes
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Medium b076027a36279c5e1c50739e463ef4e51daf87f8
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Flux : The Gist
Medium b34c418b705b2b6b0121ff08828e669a46f85e8b
...21 : Curve : not for sale « Curve » 22 : Toronto Blessings : all update failed « ep » 23 : Lemongrab : winter deprimiert « I Spy With My Little Eye » < U-Bac...
Medium 41e4645ced5def530d1c5eda85151acfd19e68b2

Hard Rocking Trivia Show #254

Medium f7c715b4a2b59d90e8ccdcf46c9f25c9ddbc60b1
Medium bf4008e8d004895afae37c9d9fd5534a7a8d02da
Medium f49155cb9e7772c01c8afcd9855b0cd07a5a6a03
It’s been several days since Iran’s failed attack on Israel, and the world is still waiting to see how Israel will respond....
Medium b77d66f03b37e6d9afc67ba2a9b807b34bbb5967

Sawbones: Lazarus Syndrome

sawbones@maximumfun.org (Justin & Dr. Sydnee McElroy)
...start beating again? This is a phenomenon sometimes called "Lazarus Syndrome" or "auto resuscitation after failed pulmonary resuscitation". Dr. Sydnee and Justin discuss the outline of exactly what needs to occur,...
Medium 4b9e1dcb56ef5eb9ffce2d83a92d5a2afe712c77
Medium 47eb9237177e9bd39f2dc1bf65bf655f8345c355

FISA 702 Passes the House

The Lawfare Institute
...up the reauthorization of FISA 702. They considered a bunch of amendments, one of which failed on a tie vote, and then proceeded to pass reauthorization of 702.  Immediately after the...