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Medium 389cbe1923e435623743c1ddef0b1dafbec3a02d
Holly and Tracy talk about Tootsie Rolls used in the military, and Holly's German chocolate cake obsession. They also discuss their relationships with the book "The Velveteen Rabbit" and their childhood...
Medium 389cbe1923e435623743c1ddef0b1dafbec3a02d
...Chocolate Company: A Sweet History.” History Press. Charleston, S.C. 2009. Accessed online: https://archive.org/details/bakerchocolateco00samm/page/80/mode/2up “Celebrating Not-So- German Chocolate Cake .” NPR. All Things Considered. June 23, 2007. https://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=11331541 Asher Edwards advertisement. Goldsboro Messenger. Nov....
Medium 39c2c69341f7aa2c4000ed86c6357bee600fe117

Chef Alex's Baking 101: Specialty Cakes!

Chef Cardinale Cooking Show
...Chef Alex will share a Red Velvet Cake recipe, a Black Forrest cake recipe, a German Chocolate Cake recipe, a Chocolate Peanut Butter cake recipe, a Lemon cake recipe, a Pound Cake recipe,...
Medium 39c2c69341f7aa2c4000ed86c6357bee600fe117

Chef Alex: Chocolate Cake Sunday

Chef Cardinale Cooking Show
...of chocolate cake. I also have a chocolate cake with peanut butter frosting and a german chocolate cake recipes in store for you. I also have 2 (two) questions in which you can...
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