

Medium 2093f219ca951cd07f793e629b423b2dd9062ac1
Lively banter about entertainment industry news and in-depth interviews with directors, producers, writers and actors, hosted by award-winning journalist Kim Masters of The Hollywood Reporter.
Medium abcdba7bcecddb645472faca4073e09dc418fed3
The Empire Film Podcast is the official podcast of Empire, the world's biggest and best movie magazine. We bring you all the latest movie news and nonsense, as well as reviews of the week's new films, an assortment of irreverent, film-related chat and interviews with some of Hollywood's best and brightest. New episodes every Friday. For our famous deep dives into specific movies, subscribe to the Empire Spoiler Special Podcast at https://empire.supportingcast.fm/ Love TV? Subscribe to our sister show, The Pilot TV Podcast, which covers every quality show landing on the small screen — because you can't watch *everything*. https://podfollow.com/pilot-tv-podcast/
Medium 3ce86cf4ccf743fad2b2ac7b5e6fc8d6a17fae2c

Bollywood Versus

Bollywood Versus
Le podcast qui décrypte les films bollywood face aux enjeux de société ou les blockbusters américains !
Bollywood Versus, c'est le nouveau podcast qui passe en revue le cinéma bollywood et sa vision du féminisme, du terrorisme, du colonialisme... ou qui le confronte aux films de la culture pop comme Pirates des Caraïbes, Ocean's Eleven ou Iron-Man !
Medium 79728fb93581f8d94ea119fa890036bae8a87546
Le podcast cinéma de deux trentenaires...
Tout ce qui manquait en 2021, c'était un podcast cinéma dans lequel deux trentenaires qui s'apprécient beaucoup tombent rarement d'accord. Silence ! On débat ! (Ce podcast vous est présenté par Est-ce que tu buzz ?)
Medium 20b4bd049280d612d5bdd5e9e12bc071ab4d9774

Cruise Control

Serena & Paulin
Cruise Control, le podcast qui prouve que Tom Cruise est la dernière star d'Hollywood.
Serena, Paulin et leurs invité·e·s retracent la carrière de Tom Cruise dans l'ordre chronologique. Une grande et noble quête de LA grande question du cinéma... "Pourquoi Tom Cruise est la dernière star d'Hollywood ?" Attention, aucun expert ne donne son avis... seulement des amateur·rice·s incompétent·e·s mais furieusement enthousiastes.


Medium 488b16444e3f9e3fdbe44b798f18cf2ca161773d
Medium a15398640d117d1ae4279c225de66356e40ca941
Flux : La Cantate
Medium b5fc38ef0c28cc605fc904aa7ca84f8193ce9a2b
Medium c7057095acc85ac52c7da0f3f14f6eb236dd8bda
Medium 91031b20dfd93488bf5ba543b0cea8d940af5ee4
Medium 860a289c7a39ae32beec6160b787bd5fccb2d97e

Trapped in Hollywood - Vidjagame Apocalypse 571

lasertimeshow@gmail.com (Laser Time)
Medium b5fc38ef0c28cc605fc904aa7ca84f8193ce9a2b
Medium 421acad220bb74d36ef5ff83237e9b20df9d4d06
Medium 6979011f450a7f71f56846028d086c7df50b936f
Flux : Woman's Hour
Medium a6c0cc77fe8bd78ad828eedbdbe1ce152d2db507
Flux : Gossip Love
Medium c125996751a5121425bfa38d00a8c933bc5e98c5
Medium 33347022574df40115570709c569c12dbd2b5cc9
Medium 4fddaab61d6e7575748876a2bd2a7771f11457da
Medium b5fc38ef0c28cc605fc904aa7ca84f8193ce9a2b
Medium b5fc38ef0c28cc605fc904aa7ca84f8193ce9a2b