

Medium 2b7321ae0c19f823065ed8c80cc25847ec2dfd1d

Les Chroniques de l'Orang-outan

Les Bibliothèques de la Ville de Lausanne
Le podcast des Bibliothèques de la Ville de Lausanne
Le podcast des Bibliothèques de la Ville de Lausanne
Medium 2953d1fbbc674fa6b9729e89146603100c83909d

Midoricast - The Podcast Factory Org (ASBL-VZW-NPO)

Michel Godart, The Podcast Factory Org, Caroline Gasia, David Van den Broeck
Midoricast - The Podcast Factory Org (ASBL-VZW-NPO)
Midoricast is a podcast produced and realized by the non-profit organization "The Podcast Factory Org" which shares success stories around the environment, ecological transition, and ecology. The podcast offers episodes in 3 languages (FR-NL-ENG), although predominantly in French. This podcast is available in video format on YouTube and is accompanied by sequencing and full transcription for the deaf or hard of hearing. Our organization also offers, in collaboration with the French association BadGeek, PodBXL: a free podcast festival for, by, and with podcasters, which takes place every year on the first Saturday of July. We are empowered by : "transforma bxl" and we are proud members of the coalition of Belgian ecopreneurs "Kaya" Donation : https://buy.stripe.com/8wM17Sb4g1csf7i8wy All info about us : https://linktr.ee/the_podcast_factory_org_asbl
Medium 7b04fa32be7a890474d41a22eb0bf6adef373c67
Roots and Blues Podcasts from www.sablues.org
Two podcasts each month featuring recent album releases. BLUES TIME presents its discerning play-list of rich acoustic and electric blues. ROOTS RENDEZVOUS brings you a selection from the genres of roots, alt. country, Americana, folk and indie rock. Presented by Jerome Douvendahns. Produced by David Stoeckel. www.sablues.org podcasting roots and blues music since 2005. Recorded in the Bowen Studio located in beautiful suburban Adelaide, South Australia.
Medium 00e3865b255a6dfdf74b834390563c4e52ba93bb

hrmeetup. © - The Podcast Factory Org (ASBL-VZW-NPO)

Michel Godart, The Podcast Factory Org, David Van den Broeck, Caroline Gasia
hrmeetup. © - The Podcast Factory Org (ASBL-VZW-NPO)
hrmeetup. © is a podcast produced and realized by the non-profit organization "The Podcast Factory Org" which addresses human resources and passions in the workplace. The podcast offers episodes in 3 languages (FR-NL-ENG), although predominantly in French. This podcast is available in video format on YouTube and is accompanied by sequencing and full transcription for the deaf or hard of hearing. Our organization also offers, in collaboration with the French association BadGeek, PodBXL: a free podcast festival for, by, and with podcasters, which takes place every year on the first Saturday of July. hrmeetup. © also identifies itself as "Humana - The HR & People-centered community" for its bi-monthly networking events in Brussels among HR professionals, entrepreneurs, and business owners, where various HR themes are discussed. We are empowered by : "transforma bxl" and we are proud members of the coalition of Belgian ecopreneurs "Kaya" Donation : https://buy.stripe.com/8wM17Sb4g1csf7i8wy All info about us : https://linktr.ee/the_podcast_factory_org_asbl
Medium d1d8b8ee289ca4f3af537f633a7a763ab37260c7


Sasha Rosalice Love, Cocochapo & Scandale
Le podcast queer par des personnes queers !
Sasha Rosalice Love, Cocochapo et Scandale, trois reines strasbourgeoises, vous présentent leur podcast NOT ALL QUEER. A partir de leur vécu, de leurs cheminements et de leurs doutes, elles vous proposent des réflexions autour de thématiques queer, féministe et communautaire. Transidentité, queercode et complexité des relations sont au coeur des sujets qui animent ce podcast. Par ailleurs, ce podcast propose différents formats : discussions, interviews, reportages, tables rondes, etc. En plus d'interroger les violences intra-communautaires pour les personnes queers, nous proposons aussi aux personnes non-minorisées de se mettre, pour un instant, dans la peau de l'AUTRE. NOT ALL QUEER est très présent sur les réseaux et partage sur instagram et youtube des vidéos, live et contenus déjantés ! ( @notallqueer)


Medium 0f9c4214bf48ffd64810baf81181a72bc379db8d
Flux : Charles Matin
Medium 465278b590dc599d8ddd794891a7289610cb65d4
...ils expriment une nette et rapide amélioration. D'autres expériences se sont attachées aux conséquences des orages, producteurs de cette résonance, sur l'activité cérébrale. En dehors de ce domaine de la santé...
Medium 3fa3c1eca6cf5a2928c75d8f7a7e685e28d3fd12
...une version ultra rapide de " Good Riddance (Time Of Your Life) " alors qu’un orage s’abattait sur la foule rassemblée à St Louis. Lors de la promotion du livre de...
Medium 2953d1fbbc674fa6b9729e89146603100c83909d

#194 KAYA : Julie Bérard et Marcel Van Meesche - 21 solutions (FR)

Michel Godart, The Podcast Factory Org, Caroline Gasia, David Van den Broeck
Medium 8fb8a12d1014b49a61a0d6ddd094dd5800da207b

2 Kwonik 24:1-26:5

Thru the Bible Haitian Creole
Medium 8fb8a12d1014b49a61a0d6ddd094dd5800da207b

2 Kwonik 21:8-24:3

Thru the Bible Haitian Creole
Medium d751dbf97d4f6db9bfbd1e829bc82319f56af61b

Éphésiens 1,1-2

Thru the Bible French
Medium 8fb8a12d1014b49a61a0d6ddd094dd5800da207b

2 Kwonik 19:1-21:7

Thru the Bible Haitian Creole
Medium 8266b38b18b0f4b3b6d562f4531852e275241bfb
Medium d751dbf97d4f6db9bfbd1e829bc82319f56af61b

Éphésiens Introduction

Thru the Bible French
Medium 8fb8a12d1014b49a61a0d6ddd094dd5800da207b

2 Kwonik 17:9-19:2

Thru the Bible Haitian Creole
Medium d751dbf97d4f6db9bfbd1e829bc82319f56af61b

Psaumes 146,1-150,6

Thru the Bible French
Medium d751dbf97d4f6db9bfbd1e829bc82319f56af61b

Psaumes 141,1-145,21

Thru the Bible French
Medium 8fb8a12d1014b49a61a0d6ddd094dd5800da207b

2 Kwonik 15:13-17:9

Thru the Bible Haitian Creole
Medium d751dbf97d4f6db9bfbd1e829bc82319f56af61b

Psaumes 137,8-140,14

Thru the Bible French