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Reading Glasses

Brea Grant and Mallory O'Meara
Want to learn how to make the most of your reading life? Join Brea Grant and Mallory O’Meara every week as they discuss tips and tricks for reading better! Listeners will learn how to vanquish their To-Be-Read piles, get pointers on organizing their bookshelves and hear reviews on the newest reading gadgets. Brea and Mallory also offer advice on bookish problems. How do you climb out of a reading slump? How do you support authors while still getting books on the cheap? Where do you hide the bodies of the people who won’t stop talking while you’re trying to read? Mallory and Brea engage in a weekly discussion geared towards all kinds of book lovers -- no matter what you read or how you read it.
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Walk'in Naoned

Ben LebLacK
Podcast Nantais
Il y a sur Nantes de nombreuses initiatives sociales, culturelles ou encore écologiques. Mon but au travers de ce podcast est de mettre en avant ces femmes et ces hommes qui oeuvrent au quotidien pour améliorer celui de ceux qui en ont le plus besoin. Venez avec moi à la rencontre de tous ces passionnés. Musique générique : Blue Jazz Drum 1 - MICHAEL VALEANU - GSOUND013-17 - GSOUND - Com Events
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Le Labo des savoirs

Le Labo des savoirs
L'émission activatrice de synapses
Le Labo des savoirs décrypte avec les chercheurs les questions d'actualité, analyse les enjeux d'aujourd'hui et de demain. Des sciences exactes aux sciences humaines en passant par les sciences économiques et sociales, tous les champs de la connaissance y sont passés au crible.
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Cédric Cremet, Martin Privat et Léandre Bandry
Un podcast cinéma entre amis, dédié à l'exploration de nos sensibilités artistiques, aux discussions profondes et aux quiz cinéphiles.
Dans chaque épisode, nous vous emmenons avec nous à travers des films marquants, des réflexions artistiques et des thèmes qui nous touchent. Entre moments d'amusement et de complicité, saupoudré de quiz ludiques pour tester vos connaissances et vous faire réfléchir, préparez-vous à des palabres enflammées, où notre passion commune pour le 7ème art se mêle à des moments d'amitié et de découvertes. Bienvenue dans PALABRE.
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Le rock souvent en long, parfois en large, mais toujours en travers
The Butcher Experience c'est une heure d'infos, anecdotes mais surtout de musique consacré à des artistes, groupes, labels ou genres de musique. C'est diffusé depuis 2016 sur la radio nantaise JET FM.


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...Barr performed a spectacular on-air capitulation to Donald Trump. The former president had posted an unhinged rant that mercilessly belittled Barr, yet Barr affirmed his endorsement of Trump and downplayed the threat...
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Flux : The WAN Show
...Luke on Tarkov & "legacy call" item 18:07 Battlestate's response, BTR, difficulty to fix, Linus rants 28:12 Linus & Luke discuss the $150 project, "DIY Tarkov" 31:07 Topic #3 - Helldivers...
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...get into. And it isn't that "Snake Guy" British Shorts Time, Mesa Boogie Stiletto, AI rant,  ENGL Ironball, Friedman IRX, Joan Armatrading...it's all in this week's Chasing Tone! Thanks to all...
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...Mike Johnson as a traitor to the cause. Yet this isn’t just typical right wing ranting. It reveals very specific expectations of what Donald Trump would do to our international alliances...
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At a fundraiser with oil and gas industry executives last week, Donald Trump reportedly ranted angrily about, of all things, wind power. “I hate wind,” Trump told the executives. That may...
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...Y’all don’t read the show notes, huh? 😏 LG DualUp Monitor An 🎵 accidental 🎵 rant about the state of podcasting today DAI Would a M3-family chip really have no efficiency...
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Flux : Ingredipedia
Rant incoming! Em has something to say to those who eat still-frozen peas. Ben turns into...
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...New Editorial Edict IGN Ryū ga Gotoku / Like a Dragon / Yakuza series Screen Rant The Acolyte Red Dead Redemption II The Onion ClickHole Final Fantasy VII Leonard Part 6...
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...women. Join us as we discuss naked Nazis, LGBTQIA+ adopted films & this time Dan rants instead of Ria! #PrepareForPrattle  #Hustlers #BlackBook2006 #TheLoveWitch #28DaysLater #ShallowGrave1994 #GoneGirl #ThePlayer #Baywatch2017 #TheSpyWhoDumpedMe #SleepawayCamp  Follow...
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...the compilation album and cover versus the previous reviewed compilation albums. An episode full of rants sprinkled with a fun discussion of a KISS compilation. For all things Shout It Out...
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Gimme Seltzer w/ Zach Reino

Howard Kremer and Brett Morris
Flux : Who Charted?
From Off Book: The Improvised Musical, it's actor/writer/improvisational master Zach Reino! Topics include: Howard's Opening Rant. I'm Cloggin' Here! Texture Foley. Country Quiz. Sock Pocket. Palatable Stapp. Go to whochartedpod.com to...
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...of his most unhinged and dangerous rally speeches yet: He used appallingly dehumanizing language about migrants, saluted the Jan. 6 rioters as patriots and heroes, and predicted a “bloodbath” if he...
Medium a670f8b99e9bada9a32ce28dd30e65e00a0e1dd0
 In the latest episode, the JBP begins by reacting to another rant from Kanye (17:48) before moving to the latest in music and what is due this...