Save Your Marriage Podcast - Nicola Beer Relationship AdviceNicola Beer www.nicolabeer.com
Listen to the How To Save Your Marriage Podcast, a Relationship Podcast Show with Nicola Beer full of Marriage Advice Tips To Have More Happiness, Overcome Afffairs, Cheating and Stop Divorce...
Each save my marriage podcasts offer practical...
Listen to the How To Save Your Marriage Podcast, a Relationship Podcast Show with Nicola Beer full of Marriage Advice Tips To Have More Happiness, Overcome Afffairs, Cheating and Stop Divorce... Each save my marriage podcasts offer practical strategies to repair, rebuild and strengthen your relationship. 7 SECRETS TO STRENGTHEN YOUR RELATIONSHIP Get my free e-book to fix your relationship today https://training.nicolabeer.com/7-secrets-marriage WATCH THE FREE RELATIONSHIP MASTERCLASS https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mwPWPaqPRG0&t=2303s P.S this masterclass has helped strengthen 1000'S and 1000'S of relationships worldwide. It has a 90% success rate in transforming relationships and igniting more passion, love and happiness. Watch it now, don't delay on something as important as your love life. Email Nicola for details on programs, working with her and her online courses www.nicolabeer.com
Les mille et une nuits, tome premier by UnknownLoyal Books
Afin de ne plus être déçu par les femmes, le sultan Schahriar décide d’épouser une jeune fille chaque jour et de la faire mourir dès le lendemain. Scheherazade ne peut le souffrir davantage...
Afin de ne plus être déçu par les femmes, le sultan Schahriar décide d’épouser une jeune fille chaque jour et de la faire mourir dès le lendemain. Scheherazade ne peut le souffrir davantage. Elle se fait donner à lui en mariage par le grand vizir, son père, afin de mettre un terme à cette barbarie, si cela est possible.Par ses contes surprenants, Scheherazade tiendra le sultan en haleine, renouvellant son sursis dès les premières lueurs du jour. Jusques à quand ? Joignons-nous à Dinarzade et Schahriar. Écoutons ses récits passionants, nuit après nuit, après nuit, … Deceived once by a woman, Shahryar, the sultan, marries a maid every evening and has her killed on the very next day. Scheherazade convinces the grand vizier, her father, to give him her hand to attempt to put an end to this nightmare. Every night, she will tell him a different tale. Day by day, her life will be saved by Shahryar’s curiosity, as he is intrigued by what he hears. Night after night, let’s listen to Scheherazade’s wonderful stories, in French.
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