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Crank up that Volume - Join Dickie Lee and The Iceman for a Magic Carpet Ride!
60's - 70's Garage Rock from California" is a weekly one hour show that features "California Nuggets: Fuzz, Mod Rock, and R & B Unknowns (1960 -1970) from the West coast
Medium 0ba27af56928379fe7664e86ae12a320b1de7ece
La Collection Georges Lang
Les soirs du week-end, Georges Lang vous propose une programmation très éclectique. Le vendredi, c’est sur les bords de la West Coast que « The last DJ » comme on le surnomme vous fait revivre le son de la Californie des années 60. Le samedi soir, les incontournables, les essentiels du rock des Seventies à aujourd’hui s’enchainent pour cette soirée de sortie pour les uns et de détente à la maison, seul ou entre amis, pour les autres. Quant au dimanche, La Collection vous propose un programme musical plus soft pour terminer en douceur votre week-end en écoutant la voix chaude de Georges Lang.
Medium 09e429ed25678b247ff524a4804bb361f5940cd3

West Coast Fog

West Coast Fog radio
A weekly audio tour of the forgotten West, visiting obscure moments in musical and cultural history along the way. Host Erik Bluhm was the editor of Great God Pan magazine (“the Champion of Californiana”) through the ‘90s and West Coast Fog may be seen as an aural extension of that venture.
Medium 4c0c99e2be9975688c36e1274c3bfe4ed98299a6

CiTR -- Canada Post Rock

CiTR & Discorder Magazine
Formerly on CKXU for years, Canada Post-Rock now resides on the west coast but is still committed to the best in post-rock, drone, ambient, experimental, noise and basically anything your host Pbone can put the word "post" in front of. Stay up, tune...
Formerly on CKXU for years, Canada Post-Rock now resides on the west coast but is still committed to the best in post-rock, drone, ambient, experimental, noise and basically anything your host Pbone can put the word "post" in front of. Stay up, tune in, zone out. I mean if you had a radio show pbone would probably listen to your show.
Medium e4a7ba6c5d6a354393c0df109d591c0650567279
Soopafresh Radio Show (Westcoast Rap, G-Funk, Chicano and Gangsta Rap)
Westcoast Rap, G-Funk, Chicano and Gangsta Rap Radio Show on www.soopafresh.net


Medium 29cd9f756c8fdc54638bd0c78dcbf6541396683e
3rd Degree Byrne continues their coverage of West Coast Avengers issue 48 and 49. Nigel Spink, Kirk Greenfield, Brian Hughes and Tim Elliott discuss...
Medium 2c1f3a15ea6caca943198d83f552713fb526699d
...episode 116 of See Hear Podcast. When people talk about the musicians of the American West Coast in the early 70s, they talk about Jackson Browne, Carole King, James Taylor, Linda Ronstadt,...
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Medium 3423206d9f389fb2613cba9bd5061fcba532a50f
Medium c426433f7500db1e0a8fa8044d424f86be6993b2
3rd Degree Byrne continues their coverage of West Coast Avengers issue 46 and 46. Nigel Spink and Tim Elliott discuss John Byrne’s instruction of...
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Medium dcb93939da30585a2299e148771188e298af70bb
Medium fc8139302cc8c55670d391342242bbb6751165db

DJ Quik

Jesse Thorn
DJ Quik is one of the most prolific figures in West Coast hip-hop. He's a great rapper, but he's always considered himself a producer first, crafting some...
Medium 73d86cd17a69afb600ef51a2aeb65eedadaeb994
3rd Degree Byrne concludes its coverage of “Vision Quest” in West Coast Avengers issues 44 and 45. Kirk Greenfield, Nigel Spink and Tim Elliott sift through the...
Medium 0ba27af56928379fe7664e86ae12a320b1de7ece
...eyes - The Who Do you know - Fleetwood Mac Hotel California (A Cappela) - West Coast All Stars California dreamin' - Wilson Phillips On and on - Stephen Bishop Crazy love...
Medium 7fcafbfd02eb53b2ebf743663cae6794e78ca2b2
Flux : Live on KEXP
On the show this time, it’s the West Coast Americana of Margo Cilker.  Margo Cilker is a California native, of the Santa Clara Cilkers,...
Medium 7fcafbfd02eb53b2ebf743663cae6794e78ca2b2
Flux : Live on KEXP
On the show this time, it’s the West Coast Americana of Margo Cilker.  Margo Cilker is a California native, of the Santa Clara Cilkers,...
Medium ae62c93dc132ef7e988e9bfde1855a2b60ceb4bf
Medium 6c2cff19bffc52d27713f86e696359b74ba406b7
Medium 119f4514a85e163637666d721c4e5647d1377759
...No Venimos En Paz (Replikants Records) CORLYX "Wasted And Alone" DIG EP: Ghost Of The West Coast (Out Of Line Music) KMFDM "Let Go" DIG LP: Let Go (Metropolis Records) CSIBD "Precautious"...