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Podcasts sur les mêmes thèmes

Reading Glasses
Reading Glasses
Want to learn how to make the most of your reading life? Join Brea Grant and Mallory O’Meara every week as they discuss tips and tricks for reading better! Listeners will learn how to vanquish their To-Be-Read piles, get pointers on organizing their bookshelves and hear reviews on the newest reading gadgets. Brea and Mallory also offer advice on bookish problems. How do you climb out of a reading slump? How do you support authors while still getting books on the cheap? Where do you hide the bodies of the people who won’t stop talking while you’re trying to read? Mallory and Brea engage in a weekly discussion geared towards all kinds of book lovers -- no matter what you read or how you read it.
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Reading Glasses
Intellectual, accessible, and provocative literary conversations.
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Good Food on the Road
Good Food on the Road
KCRW’s Good Food host Evan Kleiman talks with Pulitzer Prize-winning food writer, the late and great Jonathan Gold of The Los Angeles Times about places you may not have tried yet, but ought to.
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Good Food on the Road
Sci-Fi Book Club
Sci-Fi Book Club
The Sci-Fi Book Club Podcast talks about science fiction books and movies. Broadcasting from 900 years in the future, somewhere near the Galactic Center.
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Sci-Fi Book Club
Radio Morpork
Radio Morpork
Radio Morpork is a podcast about Terry Pratchett'…
Radio Morpork is a podcast about Terry Pratchett's Discworld, discussing and analysing each book in the series in chronological order. New episodes every month. Find us on Facebook & Twitter for more info, or contact us as radiomorpork@gmail.com
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Radio Morpork
Scifi Friday
Scifi Friday
SciFi Friday takes you back to the early days of science fiction. Each week we explore the programs that layed the foundation for science fiction of today.
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Scifi Friday