© Rebecca Armstrong
Les podcasts référencés sur podCloud sont récupérés à partir de liens publics (Feed XML/RSS) qui nous ont été fournis par leurs auditeur⋅icesauditeurs et auditrices ainsi que des partenaires. Ce podcast m'appartient.

Podcasts sur les mêmes thèmes

Off the Block
Off the Block
A trip to jail, even a short stint, can upend many lives - the inmate, their loved ones, and their children among others. This series traces the path from city block to jail block and back.
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Off the Block
The Mutant Season
The Mutant Season
13 year old Gil talks to adults with cool jobs and shares things that he likes with you!
Voir la fiche
The Mutant Season
My Brother, My Brother And Me
My Brother, My Brother And Me
Free advice from three of the world's most qualified, most related experts: Justin, Travis and Griffin McElroy. For one-half to three-quarters of an hour every Monday, we tell people how to live their lives, because we're obviously doing such a great job of it so far.
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My Brother, My Brother And Me
Les Héros de l'Ombre
Les Héros de l'Ombre
Podcast by Les Héros de l'Ombre
Podcast by Les Héros de l'Ombre
Voir la fiche
Les Héros de l'Ombre
Medialab Factory, La RoomCast
Medialab Factory, La RoomCast
La Roomcast est un podcast interactif enregistré en live sur Clubhouse. L'audience interagit avec les speakers autour du thème de la Room. Les sujets abordés sont en lien avec l'innovation dans les médias, de la stratégie digitale, de la stratégie de contenu, de la transformation digitale ou de la disruption.
La Roomcast est un podcast interactif enregistré en live sur Clubhouse. L'audience interagit avec les speakers autour du thème de la Room. Les sujets abordés sont en lien avec l'innovation dans les médias, de la stratégie digitale, de la stratégie de contenu, de la transformation digitale ou de la disruption.
Voir la fiche
Medialab Factory, La RoomCast
The NextGen Enterprise Podcast
The NextGen Enterprise Podcast
from traditional management to adaptive and purpose driven organizations
We are living a turning point in history. Emerging countries have emerged, the margins of traditional activities are being squeezed. We are entering the economy of innovation, fast and uncertain. At the same time, the disengagement of employees in organizations is at its peak all over the world. However, while the business models have been largely disrupted, the management inherited from Taylor persists largely. Managing the complexity and speed of transformation requires new forms of governance and new management methods. The agile enterprise is driven by purpose, embodied values, and decentralized authority for greater autonomy, accountability, transparency and trust.
Voir la fiche
The NextGen Enterprise Podcast