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Ausmalbilderkinder ist eine Website für Kinder, die gerne malen und zeichnen. Sie bieten viele verschiedene Themen mit Bildern sowie Online-Malvorlagen, mit denen man sein Meisterwerk ausdrucken kann!
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Your Transformation Station
Your Transformation Station
Unlock the secrets of workplace success with the Industrial and Organizational Psychology Podcast. Join leadership expert Greg Favazza as he reveals how psychological insights connect to real-world leadership. Discover the dynamics that drive performance, culture, and success—and learn how to lead with confidence.
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Your Transformation Station
Irish Guitar Podcast
Irish Guitar Podcast
Learn to play traditional Irish music on the Guitar with teacher Tony O'Rourke and Gerry Gaffney
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Irish Guitar Podcast
Podcast by Bellastock
Podcast by Bellastock
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All best things
All best things
All best things
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All best things
Chaque individu passionné de swing porte en lui u…
Chaque individu passionné de swing porte en lui une mémoire qui vient construire la grande mémoire collective du jazz swing et des danses swing. Ma volonté est de collecter ces mémoires au travers d’interviews. Pour raconter sa relation au Swing, pour que les petites histoires nourrissent la grande Histoire. Comment le Swing s’est installé durablement en France ? En Provence ? En Europe ? Dans le monde ? Je pars à la rencontre des danseurs-danseuses, musiciens-musiciennes, organisateurs-organisatrices. Each indiviual who is passionate about swing dancing bears a memory which contributes to building the great collective memory of jazz swing and swing dances. The purpose of my work is to collect those memories through interviews. So that everyone can get to talk about their relationship with Swing, in order for personal stories to feed a greater History. How has swing managed to settle in France? In the Provence region? In Europe? In the world? I am following a path which leads me to the encounter of dancers, musicians and event organisers. Lindy Hop - Balboa - Charleston - Jazz Roots - Shag - Blues - Jive - Boogie Woogie - Be Bop - Rock - West Coast Swing Composition des jingles : Kêk (https://soundcloud.com/harrycobeure) https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCaVgyPhgVqJMTxwx5kSn4EQ/videos https://www.deezer.com/fr/show/576062 https://open.spotify.com/show/5BfvVUGmp5CreSaIhzv5eq https://podcasts.apple.com/fr/podcast/blablaswing/id1502107385
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