Medium 7bf39eca30dc70906837f0da5d1b7f5dea334be6
...to give you a Rock n Roll party for your ears with the Radio Sucks Radio Show ! We've got ten awesome songs by ten awesome artists for you today; none of...
Medium 7bf39eca30dc70906837f0da5d1b7f5dea334be6
...time but we're backed to serve up some great, loud goodness with the Radio Sucks Radio Show ! This week Aaron is bringing great tracks from Marvelous 3, Spirit Adrift, Andy Taylor,...
Medium 7bf39eca30dc70906837f0da5d1b7f5dea334be6
DBG VIP Sonny Pooni joins the guys this week for Radio Sucks Radio Show v29! In this fun rock and talk episode Sonny talks about how he discovered Decibel...
Medium 7bf39eca30dc70906837f0da5d1b7f5dea334be6
Decibel Geek VIP subscriber Brian Davis joins Chris and Aaron this week for Radio Sucks Radio Show vol25; an hour-plus of great hard rock and metal handpicked for your listening pleasure. In...
Medium 7bf39eca30dc70906837f0da5d1b7f5dea334be6
This week we bring you another sonic sampling of killer rock music with Radio Sucks Radio Show v35! It's been half a year since we kicked back and just spun some tunes...
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Medium 7bf39eca30dc70906837f0da5d1b7f5dea334be6
We're back this week to spin some awesome tunes with Radio Sucks Radio Show v33! This episode is packed with great music from artists like Angel, Kik Tracee, Loudness,...
Medium 7bf39eca30dc70906837f0da5d1b7f5dea334be6
We're back this week with more killer rock tracks and talk with Radio Sucks Radio Show v32! If you are new to the podcast, this particular format is easy to explain....
Medium 7bf39eca30dc70906837f0da5d1b7f5dea334be6
...Killed the Radio Star podcast David Hudson joins the guys this week for Radio Sucks Radio Show v31. David was a supporter of the recent Rock n Pod Expo in Nashville. When...
Medium 7bf39eca30dc70906837f0da5d1b7f5dea334be6
...Nashville Rock n Pod Expo Henning Mielke joins the guys from Germany for Radio Sucks Radio Show v30! In this 2-hour plus block of rock talk and music, Henning shares his story...
Medium 7bf39eca30dc70906837f0da5d1b7f5dea334be6
DBG VIP Joe Becht joins the guys this week for Radio Sucks Radio Show v28. In this two-hour music and discussion episode, Joe spins killer tracks from artists and...
Medium 7bf39eca30dc70906837f0da5d1b7f5dea334be6
...another huge slab of great rock to shove down your ear holes with Radio Sucks Radio Show v27. In this hour-plus music and discussion episode, the guys talk about recent events including...
Medium 7bf39eca30dc70906837f0da5d1b7f5dea334be6
Chris and Aaron are back this week for Radio Sucks Radio Show v26; an hour-plus of classic tunes from Ozzy Osbourne, Sleeze Beez, and Steve Stevens. The...
Medium 7bf39eca30dc70906837f0da5d1b7f5dea334be6
Chris and Aaron return this week with an earful of joy with Radio Sucks Radio Show v24; an hour-plus of your hosts blasting great songs, old and new, that your local...
Medium 7bf39eca30dc70906837f0da5d1b7f5dea334be6
...Dimino, Tesla, Whitesnake, Angel, Rolling Stones are spun this week in the final Radio Sucks Radio Show ...for 2015. Lots of great discussion and tracks on this one! The guys are back...
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