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Super Mario Strikers

Lochie & Louis
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Super Mario Odyssey

Lochie & Louis
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Super Mario Maker 2

Lochie & Louis
This week we send our levels out to die in Super Mario Maker.
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Medium 388e6dbab7a495e4f69e39d2a1aaef8a8ae5f6f1

Episode 106: Super Mario Odyssey

Tommy Dassalo, Ben Vernel
...moustachioed man on a big adventure. Like I said, Ben is in Hong Kong. Playing Super Mario Odyssey.   Buy tickets to our Sydney LIVE SHOW! http://www.filthycasuals.com.au/events/sydneyliveshow/  Check out the Filthy Casuals Mic...
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Medium 0e6f40f77cadff58d331c3b9f0d8984b11c8e063
...who helped contribute to the upcoming 4K UHD Blu-Ray release of the 1993 cult classic Super Mario Bros. Buy Super Mario Bros. at Umbrella Entertainment: https://shop.umbrellaent.com.au/products/super-mario-bros-30th-anniversary-4-k-uhd-blu-ray-1993 They dive deep into the film...
Medium b9dc0b3399c91b120aa765d334d6c770ff4fccf0

EXP Podcast #415: Super Mario Run Debrief

Jorge Albor, Scott Juster, Experience Points
...likes running.  This week, we do a very rare mobile game debrief and talk about Super Mario Run.
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...which the very nature of cinema shall be changed forever. That change is that The Super Mario Bros. Movie is now out. Nothing else has changed. Tommy, Ben and Adam (adults) have...
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This week the boys review Super Mario Maker 2! In honour of this, you may construct the rest of the episode description...
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Episode 63: Super Mario 1985 to 1995

Tommy Dassalo, Ben Vernel
...prepared a Very Special Episode. In this episode, the Filthy lads discuss and review the early Super Mario games, released between 1985 and 1995. They cover the "main" titles, which include Super Mario...
Medium 5b745edb2122567879a4453854c888922a9eda85
...now is the absolute prefect and hopefully only time to visit the 1993 cult classic, Super Mario Bros the movie. This is our Caravan Of Garbage review. SUBSCRIBE HERE ►► http://goo.gl/pQ39jN Video Edition...
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EXP Podcasty #718: Super Mario Bros. Wonder Debrief

Jorge Albor, Scott Juster, Experience Points
...up to Mario. This week on the podcast, we take a wonder seed trip into  Super Mario Bros. Wonder! Show Notes: Intro from the Super Mario Bros. Wonder launch trailer Music by Brad...
Medium 39a31fc991ad5b1c597850fec1f895586cc35c4f

EXP Podcast #533: Super Mario Maker 2 Debrief

Jorge Albor, Scott Juster, Experience Points
...EXP Podcast, we duck, dive, and dodge our way through the endless levels available in  Super Mario Maker 2. We are both big fans of the first game on this show and...
Medium 388e6dbab7a495e4f69e39d2a1aaef8a8ae5f6f1

Episode 422: Super Mario RPG, Persona 5 Tactica

Tommy Dassalo, Ben Vernel and Adam Knox
It's name-your-game-after-its-genre-week here at Filthy Casuals, as we talk the spit shined new version of Super Mario RPG and Persona 5 Tactica. Speaking of spit shines, The Last of Us Part 2...
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