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Everything You Need To Know About Applying For DZTE Grants

info@HeritageRadioNetwork.org (Heritage Radio Network)
Medium 68cf5df42502b2345ea635051a99bf14d02e10e6

Joe Salonia and the World Cheese Awards, What It Means to Be a Winner!

info@HeritageRadioNetwork.org (Heritage Radio Network)
...Joe Salonia on the show. Director of Sales and Marketing in the US for Gourmino Affinage and Selection, Joe is coming off the big win of having a best in show...
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Alpinage - A New Cheesemaker! And a Frenchman Found in Wisconsin

info@HeritageRadioNetwork.org (Heritage Radio Network)
Medium 68cf5df42502b2345ea635051a99bf14d02e10e6

Episode 383: Cheesemaking Elements: Affinage

info@HeritageRadioNetwork.org (Heritage Radio Network)
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Episode 167: Certification Program Controversy with Greg Blais

info@HeritageRadioNetwork.org (Heritage Radio Network)
...programs, their effectiveness and relevance in today’s ever-changing world of curd. They also discuss the affinage debate and the general state of cheese in America today. This program was sponsored by...
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Episode 157: Affinage: A Timeline

info@HeritageRadioNetwork.org (Heritage Radio Network)
What is affinage? Simply put, it’s the art of ripening cheese. However, as you’ll learn on this episode...
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Episode 127: Academie Opus Caseus

info@HeritageRadioNetwork.org (Heritage Radio Network)
...Opus Caseus exists at the heart of the MonS Fromagerie operational headquarters, where cheese undergoes affinage, and orders are received, packed and shipped. Tune in and learn more about the school...
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Episode 54: Affinage with Michael Anderson

info@HeritageRadioNetwork.org (Heritage Radio Network)
...Anne is joined by Michael Anderson . Michael is an expert in the field of affinage and the cave manager at Murray’s Cheese. Tune in and learn why not all cheese...
Medium 29b57d664609795dafa391a3095a181dff152a54
...de la fête de la Tête de Moine, aime le fromage, ses saveurs et son affinage. Elle a même créé ses "Papillons"
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Medium 74575e0604786d1923a38ea119171cd19de8c0a1
...du fromage ou que vous souhaitez en savoir plus. Dans cet épisode, on parle de l'affinage, cette méthode cruciale de la fabrication du fromage qui va en partie lui apporter son...
Medium 74575e0604786d1923a38ea119171cd19de8c0a1
...fabrication du fromage et son impact sur le résultat final. Traite, caillage, découpe, moulage, pressage, affinage, toutes les étapes sont évoquées.
Medium a703f8b7c902915bd68630f49d242a6c504c5745
Aujourd’hui, je pars à la rencontre de David Vigent, co-gérant de Ty’k Affinage, une entreprise qui produits des alternatives au fromage 100 % végétal, de la façon la...
tous les 13 résultats