Medium bbf70ad0e4441b190f21e09cbcca9061df9ad35d
...#Flotte #Écologie #Maritime #Transition #Port #France #Espagne #Italie #Économie #Marine #Agriculture #Bretagne #ContratSocial #Alimentation #Consommation #Aquaculture
Medium e885b9f95c5ebd0591670c8921e0016d97ada78c
...Pan American & Kramer "Reverberations Of Non-Stop Traffic On Redding Road" (Shimmy disc) For G.W, Aquaculture Current 93, HOH "Island" (HomAleph) Fields of Rape Olof Dreujer "Coral" (AD93 Hazel, Flora Current...
Medium 7d9245bd790ca376d3e29a911330b5b4ab1a958a
Medium 4685a79ab9932cd53cccf4a93990b8eb4eaa62ea
...Conférence du 20 novembre 2015, présentée par Thierry Chopin, Directeur Scientifique du Réseau Canadien de l’Aquaculture Multi-Trophique Intégrée (RCAMTI) et Professeur de biologie marine à l’Université du Nouveau-Brunswick – Canada :...
Medium fc045b9881b04ebb10f129b43c6c5b50d8d84b01
...stages et travaux d’études, il est embauché comme Ingénieur R&D dans une entreprise spécialisée en aquaculture. En 2001, il décide de changer de voie pour se lancer dans la tech, sa...
Medium d8826839798c174d22484ec1bf8b2374482aa793
...a world-champion paddleboarder and big wave surfer. To educate himself and the world about sustainable aquaculture practices. Today’s guest exemplifies what it means to make your wild idea a reality. Jamie...
Medium 11e8764014ad1adb16dbc4cbe0b75e98f00a87bd
Flux : Mutations
...Mountain Of One - Custards Last Stand (DUBfinity Version) - Amore Music Good Block - Aquaculture - Good Block Quiet Force - Listen To The Music - Innovative Communication Moon King...
Medium 7941ab0d11829fc14f904d11f7483972bc6f1d80
Medium 11e8764014ad1adb16dbc4cbe0b75e98f00a87bd
Flux : Mutations
...Mountain Of One - Custards Last Stand (DUBfinity Version) - Amore Music Good Block - Aquaculture - Good Block Quiet Force - Listen To The Music - Innovative Communication Moon King...
Medium 39f2dec540947e2e8c3760fccc874433cf1bf4e5
...on COVID-19 in meatpacking towns and a scary executive order opening the path toward FinFish aquaculture in open seas. What Doesn't Kill You is powered by Simplecast.
Medium 39f2dec540947e2e8c3760fccc874433cf1bf4e5

Episode 220: Aquaculture, is it the future of a major food source?

info@heritageradionetwork.org (Heritage Radio Network)
Join Scott Nichols, founder of Food's Future and an expert in aquaculture as he explains the new technologies that will make aquaculture a more environmentally friendly, cost...
Medium 39f2dec540947e2e8c3760fccc874433cf1bf4e5

Episode 118: Degrees of Freshness with Rick Shepro

info@heritageradionetwork.org (Heritage Radio Network)
...in terms of the condition of the fish.” [09:00] “In terms of freshness, properly handled aquaculture products have a huge advantage over wild fish.” [25:00] –Rick Shepro on What Doesn’t Kill...
Medium 39f2dec540947e2e8c3760fccc874433cf1bf4e5

Episode 95: What Doesn’t Kill You 2014

info@heritageradionetwork.org (Heritage Radio Network)
...year, and why she hopes to spotlight new topics like GMOs, dietary supplements, and finfish aquaculture. What guests will return in 2014? Find out on this week’s edition of What Doesn’t...
Medium 39f2dec540947e2e8c3760fccc874433cf1bf4e5

Episode 73: East Coast Shellfish with Bob Rheault

info@heritageradionetwork.org (Heritage Radio Network)
...is an adjunct faculty member in the University of Rhode Island’s Department of Fisheries & Aquaculture. He served as ECSGA President for five years before taking the Executive Director’s seat. Bob...
Medium 39f2dec540947e2e8c3760fccc874433cf1bf4e5

Is Kelp Production the Next Big Thing?

info@heritageradionetwork.org (Heritage Radio Network)
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