Medium 519d2b0b44aa4e48c5dc6b015038a88bddad4db1

#385: Learning How to Learn

contact@artofmanliness.com (The Art of Manliness)
...Brown, and he’s the co-author of the book Make it Stick: The Science of Successful Learning. Today on the show Peter and I discuss why typical approaches to studying might make...
Medium 23d9aee582490360d0f96882cf38a5b299b45f9c
Flux : React Podcast
...and the inspiration behind his show secondCareerDevs. They discuss the importance of finding your community, learning how to learn, and how to make progress on your side projects by live streaming...
Medium bfda81f40ddbb568e2876a3213ca93d6942ad649
In this episode, we are speaking about the pros and cons on Active Learning and Passive Learning. Watching courses VS Applying directly what you just learned. How you can...
Medium 6b2ebc9a0d439421a9f118a63496da58b955a321

Lessons Learned

Agony Aunt Studios
Medium 8cccd80ef180b507e00ce9cf7bc684aaae1d5481

Lessons Learned

Tom J Deters
...articles about spiritual wellness and ends with the simple fact that every moment is a learning moment. A lesson we should all learn. Enjoy and as always thanks for listening! Be...
Medium 5b6b0b56ba8494f90c9f4b13feec8c32a275d61f
Medium 3eb029c95cc742b8f6d344fbbccd8f3358f4b0d9
Part 2: Jordan Greenhall explains deep code, the cycle of learning, re-examining the assumptions our world rests on, and the criteria for new civilization design. Show...
Medium 3eb029c95cc742b8f6d344fbbccd8f3358f4b0d9
Part 1: Jordan Greenhall explains deep code, the cycle of learning, re-examining the assumptions our world rests on, and the criteria for new civilization design. Show...
Medium 81517ca55bbfdaf74fc4657b49fd2245758e2932
Medium 3cf65123343a59e919d1b27b1c5375b52a455a8b
Flux : CGP Grey
Medium 202e087b3f507486f07277d26b908de1978d10c3

Footnotes: Learning German

My Dad Wrote A Porno
Medium 202e087b3f507486f07277d26b908de1978d10c3

Footnotes: Learning Dutch

My Dad Wrote A Porno
Medium 841b7e957d511f60fbf7be2c166fea48328eb52a
Flux : CFP's Podcast
Calculatorful is a free online learning website .We thrive to build a platform with thousands of learning materials covering many topics...
Medium 2961d11c6b42c15b02bc7eba45bf4138d86b6eb4

Learning the BASICs

info@pacific-content.com (Red Hat)
Medium 231eeaa4468e3a5ff9cace254ece20cd3cd87e5c

Machine Learning 101

Flux : TechStuff
Why is it so hard to define concepts like artificial intelligence and machine learning? What do those even mean? And how does it work? We take a very high...
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