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A weekly podcast reviewing one or two new release titles every episode with an occasional free-for-all segment at the end we call Potpourri. Proudly presented by ObsessiveViewer.com. A full archive of The Obsessive Viewer Podcast (as well as written reviews) can be found at ObsessiveViewer.com.
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hrmeetup. © - The Podcast Factory Org (ASBL-VZW-NPO)

Michel Godart, The Podcast Factory Org, David Van den Broeck, Caroline Gasia
hrmeetup. © - The Podcast Factory Org (ASBL-VZW-NPO)
hrmeetup. © is a podcast produced and realized by the non-profit organization "The Podcast Factory Org" which addresses human resources and passions in the workplace. The podcast offers episodes in 3 languages (FR-NL-ENG), although predominantly in French. This podcast is available in video format on YouTube and is accompanied by sequencing and full transcription for the deaf or hard of hearing. Our organization also offers, in collaboration with the French association BadGeek, PodBXL: a free podcast festival for, by, and with podcasters, which takes place every year on the first Saturday of July. hrmeetup. © also identifies itself as "Humana - The HR & People-centered community" for its bi-monthly networking events in Brussels among HR professionals, entrepreneurs, and business owners, where various HR themes are discussed. We are empowered by : "transforma bxl" and we are proud members of the coalition of Belgian ecopreneurs "Kaya" Donation : https://buy.stripe.com/8wM17Sb4g1csf7i8wy All info about us : https://linktr.ee/the_podcast_factory_org_asbl
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Enlever du négatif revient à ajouter du positif !
Feel Positive est le Podcast de développement personnel qui t’envoie des Good Vibes et des bulles de Positivité toute la journée. Un podcast de développement personnel accessible à tous pour adopter une vision de vie plus inspirante pour une vie plus épanouissante. Feel Positive est un mélange d’une pincée de bonne humeur, de deux pots pleins de bonnes énergies  et d’une cuillère pleine d’amour ♥️     Retrouve-moi pour un épisode toutes les deux semaines avec du contenu et des conseils variés et bienveillants sur le développement et l'épanouissement personnel pour t’aider à te rendre plus fort.e et à devenir la meilleure version de toi-même.  Avec Feel Positive, je te garantie que tu te sentiras mieux et plus positif.ve au quotidien.    Suis-moi sur les réseaux sociaux pour faire partie de la communauté: IG: @feelpositiveofficial Pinterest: @feelpositiveofficial 🛍 Nous avons aussi une Boutique pour te nourrir de positivité au quotidien 🥰 www.feelpositive-theboutique.com
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Midoricast - The Podcast Factory Org (ASBL-VZW-NPO)

Michel Godart, The Podcast Factory Org, Caroline Gasia, David Van den Broeck
Midoricast - The Podcast Factory Org (ASBL-VZW-NPO)
Midoricast is a podcast produced and realized by the non-profit organization "The Podcast Factory Org" which shares success stories around the environment, ecological transition, and ecology. The podcast offers episodes in 3 languages (FR-NL-ENG), although predominantly in French. This podcast is available in video format on YouTube and is accompanied by sequencing and full transcription for the deaf or hard of hearing. Our organization also offers, in collaboration with the French association BadGeek, PodBXL: a free podcast festival for, by, and with podcasters, which takes place every year on the first Saturday of July. We are empowered by : "transforma bxl" and we are proud members of the coalition of Belgian ecopreneurs "Kaya" Donation : https://buy.stripe.com/8wM17Sb4g1csf7i8wy All info about us : https://linktr.ee/the_podcast_factory_org_asbl
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What's Your Story - The Podcast Factory Org (ASBL-VZW-NPO)

David Van den Broeck, Michel Godart, The Podcast Factory Org, Caroline Gasia
What's Your Story - The Podcast Factory Org (ASBL-VZW-NPO)
Everyone has a story to tell, what's yours ? What’s Your Story is a podcast produced and realized by the non-profit organization "The Podcast Factory Org ». The podcast offers episodes in 3 languages: FR-NL-ENG. This podcast is available in video format on YouTube and is accompanied by sequencing and full transcription for the deaf or hard of hearing. Our organization also offers, in collaboration with the French association BadGeek, PodBXL: a free podcast festival for, by, and with podcasters, which takes place every year on the first Saturday of July. We are empowered by : "transforma bxl" and we are proud members of the coalition of Belgian ecopreneurs "Kaya" Donation : https://buy.stripe.com/8wM17Sb4g1csf7i8wy All info about us : https://linktr.ee/the_podcast_factory_org_asbl
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Runway Series (Venture Capital, Startups, Crypto, web3), in partnership with Olive Capital.

Raph Grieco, in partnership with OLIVE CAPITAL, produced by UPCOMINGVC®
RUNWAY SERIES (https://runwayseries.co) in partnership with OLIVE CAPITAL (https://olivecapital.vc), explores since 2019 the frontiers of tech at the intersection of venture capital & crypto / web3 in 4 formats: Runway Series Originals (deep interviews), Venture Talks (thematic panel discussions), AMA VC (live sessions with an audience), No-Code / VC Fit (building VC-backable no-code startups). Since 2017, our producer UPCOMINGVC® (https://upcoming.vc) has been a pioneering Venture Capital educational media. Created, hosted by RAPHAEL GRIECO (full episodes on https://venturenotes.co).
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Le podcast animé

Jules & Nico
Emission consacrée aux plus grandes séries animées supers-héroïques de tous les temps
Grands fans de Batman TAS et pas que, on s’est dit que ce serait chouette de vous parler de chacun des épisodes, en full spoil comme on dit (ou pas) de l’autre côté de l’Atlantique. Full spoil, on vous décortiquera donc les épisodes dans leurs moindres détails. Minute par minute. Seconde par seconde. Image par image. Ou presque. En une heure. A peu près. Mais ce n’est pas tout. On essaiera d’y mettre une dose de bonne humeur, une pincée de rigolade, un soupçon d’érudition, le tout saupoudré d’un peu de nous, Vaness, Vincent, Léna, James, Antho, Eddy, Jules et Nico. Et attention ! Vous allez en prendre plein les esgourdes, garanti sur facture, enfin ça, ce sera à vous de nous le dire en commentaires, mais aussi via vos likes et vos partages ! Et comme d’hab, on vous fait des bisous tout plein ! C’est parti !
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Couch Lobsters

Jess & Dima
The film & series podcast made by amateurs for cinema enthusiasts.
Welcome to Couch Lobsters, the film & series podcast made by amateurs for cinema enthusiasts. The concept is simple, we assign each other a film or a series to watch for each episode and keep our opinion secret until the day of the recording. Beware; this podcast is full of spoilers!
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Since 2009, Eat Your Words has covered what's new and happening in the world of food through its literature. A radio dispatch from Cathy Erway, founder of the blog Not Eating Out In New York, Cathy was joined by authors of books that you would want to eat up! From colorful cookbooks, to food memoirs, to exposés on the food industry, every conversation is full of meaty topics for discussion. Now, in 2023, Eat Your Words is proud to present its first limited-run series. We've partnered with John deBary, author of "Drink What You Want," to create a companion podcast that dives deep into the production of his newest cocktail book. "Saved by the Bellini" is all about 90's nostalgia. "Saved by the Bellini" includes over 65 recipes that celebrate the decade’s greatest pop culture moments, from cassette tape tunes and video game consoles to after-school snacks and OMG-it’s-back-again fashion. In this 7-episode series, John interviews the editors, illustrators, and cocktail innovators who helped to make this book a reality.
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Bulle d'air

Plateforme francophone du Volontariat PFV
Bulle d'air, le podcast qui raconte le lien entre le bénévolat et les émotions « Bulle d’air » vous offre les paroles de bénévoles, de leurs responsables et d’autres expertes. Des partages de souvenirs récents et d'histoires. Des pépites brèves et cinq épisodes autour de cinq émotions. Enthousiasme, inquiétude, étonnement, frustration, joie…  Leurs expériences touchent et nous lient même à distance. Des hauts et des bas qui donnent des idées pour mieux prendre soin de notre engagement. Des anecdotes qui redonnent de l’énergie et font sourire malgré nos liens sociaux chamboulés. ... Une bulle d'oxygène pour tisser des liens et donner du sens à notre quotidien ! Récits : Chantal, Olivier, Joséphine, Ahmad, Éline, Roxane, Louis, Danielle, Jacques, Chloé, Emmeline, Marielle, Maddy, Isabelle, Hélène, Amandine. Partenaires : Centre de volontariat Namur - HanVol-Lux (Alter&Go, Province du Luxembourg) - Jagora - Le Petit Vélo Jaune - SINGA - Rugby Namur XV - Hélène Soubre  Illustration : Anouk Jurdant (https://linktr.ee/anoukjurdant)  Musique : Gentle Fire Studio Un projet de la Plateforme francophone du Volontariat (http://www.levolontariat.be) réalisé avec le Gsara (https://gsara.be/) . Montage "Pépites" : Plateforme francophone du Volontariat Montage "Episodes" : Gsara Bruxelles Avec le soutien de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles, la Région Bruxelles-Capitale, la Cocof, et la Région wallonne.
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Runway Series - Venture Capital & web3 / Premium

UPCOMINGVC®, hosted by Raph Grieco
Full episodes of the «Runway Series - Venture Capital» podcasts by UPCOMINGVC® in partnership with Olive Capital, exploring the frontiers of tech, innovation, venture capital at the intersection of web 2.0 & crypto / web3.
[Premium Members on Venture Notes] Full episodes, detailed shownotes (+ so much more) of the «Runway Series: Venture Capital and web3» range of podcasts by UPCOMINGVC®, exploring the frontiers of tech innovation & venture capital at the intersection of web 2.0 & crypto / web3. Partnering with Olive Capital. upcomingvc.substack.com
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Avoir 30 ans : le podcast qui raconte les différents parcours de vie des femmes de 30 ans !
Que l'on subisse la pression sociale, que l'on se libère des clichés ou que l'on découvre vraiment qui l'on est : à 30 ans , on est à un tournant de notre vie ! A travers ce podcast et les différents témoignages de femmes âgées d'environ 30 ans, on apprend à mieux s'accepter, à rêver, à déculpabiliser, à se sentir fièr(e) de son parcours et à réaliser que l'on n'est pas seul(e)... Avoir 30 ans, c'est un podcast curieux et bienveillant !
tous les 12 résultats