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CM Au Sommet

Julian Barriere
Le podcast n°1 des community managers
Bienvenue sur le seul podcast en France qui partage le quotidien des community managers, social media managers et pros du social media. 🔥 Ma masterclass gratuite en 3 étapes pour créer une activité de community manager stable et pérenne : https://link.julianbarriere.com/ioaRi
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Le Labo des sports

Le Labo des savoirs, laboratoire MIP et UFR STAPS de Nantes
Le podcast qui éclaire l'activité sportive pour toutes et tous
Le podcast des étudiantes et étudiants du master STAPS de Nantes Université qui éclaire les pratiques sportives pour la santé de toutes et tous. Réalisation par le Labo des savoirs, voix off Lucie Marchand
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Bistrot STAPS

Bistrot STAPS
Bistrot STAPS Poitiers
Bsitroit Staps, ce sont des événements conviviaux et des conférences à destination des étudiant·es en STAPS de l'université de Poitiers. Pour se réunir et discuter d'activités physique et sportive... autour d'une bière !
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Modernist BreadCrumbs

Heritage Radio Network
Modernist Cuisine founder Nathan Myhrvold and head chef Francisco Migoya join host Jordan Werner Barry and executive producer Michael Harlan Turkell for Modernist BreadCrumbs, a special series taking a new look at one of the oldest staples of the human diet: bread. Start with starter and then take a look at the discoveries and techniques from Modernist Bread. Enjoy interviews with the bakers, scientists, chefs, authors, millers, and Bread Heads who are shaping the future of bread. We’ll take deep dives into the microbial world, heritage grains, flatbreads, and breads with holes, but we’ll also step back and look at how bread intersects with culture, fermentation, immigration, art, and tradition. Fire up your oven and follow the breadcrumbs.
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The Weeknd Merch offering fans a chance to own a piece of his style and persona, inspired by his music and aesthetic, has become a staple in The Weeknd Fansite. #Abel #TheWeeknd #TheWeekndmerch #Leapice Read more: https://leapice.com/the-weeknd-merch/
The Weeknd Merch offering fans a chance to own a piece of his style and persona, inspired by his music and aesthetic, has become a staple in The Weeknd Fansite. #Abel #TheWeeknd #TheWeekndmerch #Leapice Read more: https://leapice.com/the-weeknd-merch/
tous les 5 résultats