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Going Indieground
Catch up or listen again to Going Indieground, broadcast Monday Evenings 9pm-11pm UK time on Mad Wasp Radio
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Eat This Podcast

Jeremy Cherfas
Talking about anything around food
Using food to explore all manner of topics, from agriculture to zoology. In Eat This Podcast, Jeremy Cherfas tries to go beyond the obvious to see how the food we eat influences and is influenced by history, archaeology, trade, chemistry, economics, geography, evolution, religion -- you get the picture. We don't do recipes, except when we do, or restaurant reviews, ditto. We do offer an eclectic smorgasbord of tasty topics. Twice nominated for a James Beard Award.
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Juke In The Back

Matt The Cat
The Soul That Came Before Rock n' Roll
At the end of the Second World War, economics forced the big bands to trim their once great size and thus, the Jump Blues combo was born. Between 1946-1954, rhythm and blues laid the tracks for what was to become Rock n’ Roll. So how come, 75 years later, this vibrant and influential music is still so unknown to so many? Matt The Cat is going to change that with the radio program, “Juke In The Back.” These were the records that you couldn’t hear on the jukebox in the front of the establishment. To hear all this great 1950s rhythm & blues, you had to go to “Juke In The Back.”
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Fantasy, Science Fiction, and Other Weird and Interesting Ideas
Science fiction author David Barr Kirtley (Save Me Plz and Other Stories) talks geek culture with guests such as Neil Gaiman (#253), George R. R. Martin (#22), Richard Dawkins (#46), Simon Pegg (#39), Bill Nye (#273), Margaret Atwood (#94), Neil deGrasse Tyson (#32), and Ursula K. Le Guin (#65). Geek’s Guide to the Galaxy has appeared on recommended podcast lists from NPR, The Guardian, The A.V. Club, BBC America, CBC Radio, WVXU, io9, Omni, The Strand, Library Journal, and Popular Mechanics. CBC Radio writes, "You may not think a podcast about science fiction and fantasy would be the place to go for political insight, but -- it is. Geek's Guide to the Galaxy manages to be more insightful about politics than many pundits." Help crowdfund us at patreon.com/geeks
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Do Go On

Do Go On Media
A fact based comedy podcast. Each week Melbourne comedians Matt Stewart, Jess Perkins and Dave Warneke take it in turns to research a topic and report back to the class.
A fact based comedy podcast. Each week Melbourne comedians Matt Stewart, Jess Perkins and Dave Warneke take it in turns to research a topic and report back to the class. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
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Geek en Série

Le podcast qui rend accro aux séries TV !
Le podcast Geek en Série est le rendez-vous incontournable pour tous les fans de séries TV. L’équipe vous propose des analyses de série cultes. On en découvre avec vous et on les décrypte lors d’épisodes récap aux théories les plus folles ! Geek en série, c'est aussi un Spin off : We Have To Go Back, une émission qui repart à la découverte de la série Lost en analysant chaque épisode. Abonnez-vous dès maintenant pour ne rien manquer et rejoignez la communauté Ce podcast est une production James et Faye.
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What were they thinking?

The European Startup Prize for mobility
The stories behind Europe's most successful clean mobility startups
The  European Startup Prize for Mobility is proud to present its podcast series, featuring the stories behind the women and men who won Europe's largest acceleration programme for clean mobility startups. ‘What were they thinking’, moderated by our Managing Director, Dan Sobovitz in a one-on-one conversation with the founders and CEOs about the journeys that have transformed their professional and personal lives and that are about to transform European mobility as we know it. What were they thinking? How did it feel to go the lonely road of an entrepreneur? Did people follow them easily or did they think they were crazy? Was it fun all along or mostly frustrating? Deep down, did they really believe they would make it this far?
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Un voyage initiatique à vélo : aventures sur le chemin et témoignages de ceux qui bougent le monde.
Un podcast de voyage à vélo. Venez parcourir l'Afrique et l'Amérique latine à vélo avec nous, Astrid et Matthieu. Du Sénégal au Bénin, en Bolivie et en Argentine, nous vous emmenons rencontrer des acteurs inspirants qui bougent le monde. 17 rayons d'espoir, c'est deux séries d'épisodes : "Le voyage", où nous racontons nos aventures à vélo ; "Ceux qui agissent", où nous découvrons 17 associations locales qui suivent la trame des Objectifs du Développement Durable (écologie, handicap, biodiversité, égalité hommes / femmes, changement climatique, eau potable, consommer autrement, système de santé, faim dans le monde...)
Mots-clefs : Handicap,féminisme,écologie,égalité,environnement,voyage,vélo,aventure,afrique,Sénégal,Guinée,Côte d'Ivoire,Ghana,Togo,Bénin,Amérique,Bolivie,cyclotourisme,association,initiative,développement,durable,école,témoignage,rencontre,bikepacking,travel,sobriété,17,rayons,espoir,rayon,Argentine,Rencontre,interview,podcast
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SciFi Tech Talk

Julie Kuehl, Jeff Syer, Mike McPeek
SciFi Tech Talk is the podcast where we look at a movie / TV show / book / short story and the tech involved and what it says about THE FUTURE. We may go through some older material and see how much has become reality and how far we have yet to go. And new material could be looked at from the standpoint of how long we think it will take to become reality and how far from the present does it stretch the imagination.
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Bonus Tracks

Bonus Tracks
Le label de podcasts qui emprunte les chemins de la pop culture.
Le label Bonus Tracks compte des personnes d’horizon divers, des ami·e·s et des collaborateur·ice·s occasionnel·le·s, chacun·e admirant le travail des autres. Tou·te·s sont persuadé·e·es qu’ils ou elles ont une pierre a ajouter à l’édifice de cette activité qu’est le podcast, surtout en cette période de crise sanitaire. Nos ambitions sont simples mais résolues : continuer à proposer des programmes de qualité, les faire connaître a une plus large audience et défendre la culture sous toutes ses formes, avec sérieux et enthousiasme. Le label garantit ainsi l’indépendance créative de ses membres et la publications de productions de qualité. Il promeut l’entraide et la coopération.
Outermission every Tuesday at 1 PM on DemonFM
Outermission is a talk show focused on showcasing Leicester’s Arts, Culture and Performance Community. During February, Outermission is the place to go for DemonFM’s Dave’s Leicester Comedy Festival Coverage. Outermission is produced and presented by De Montfort University Radio Production students.


Thomas Houvet-Leygnac
Etre convaincant par l’ETHOS, le PATHOS et le LOGOS: Trois fondamentaux de la communication ou le triangle rhétorique.
Technique incontournable pour vos prise de parole : le triangle rhétorique. Pour Cicéron, le plus grand orateur romain, le secret de l’efficacité du discours réside en trois points « prouver la vérité de ce que l'on affirme, se concilier la bienveillance des auditeurs, éveiller en eux toutes les émotions qui sont utiles à la cause ». Autrement dit pour qu’une communication soit pleinement réussie, il est indispensable qu’elle touche simultanément les trois aspects qui forment le triangle rhétorique. Il s’agit de l’éthos, du pathos et du logos.
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Pod To Pluto

Cornucopia Radio
A scifi comedy audiodrama about a space engineer and a sarcastic AI on a 4 billion mile trip to Pluto to go turn off a lightbulb
Space. The final job before I quit. These are the voyages of 'UK Space Agency Engineering Pod Number 46'. My five-year mission: to explore the ten square metres I’m trapped inside, seek out Pluto and boldly go switch off a lightbulb. If it's still on... Welcome to our new scifi comedy audiodrama ‘Pod To Pluto’ and say hello to ‘Jemima Belafonte’ and her ‘Pod’ computer. As they try and keep each other company during a very long 4.6 billion mile trip to Pluto. Written by Peter Richard Adams. Starring Laura England and Wayne Russell.
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