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Front-End Chronicles

Benjamin Auzanneau & Denis Souron
Retrouver dans chaque épisode, une discussion autour du développement et du front-end avec deux passionnés de code. Hôtes : Benjamin Auzanneau et Denis Souron From Nantes ! https://www.linkedin.com/in/bauzanneau/ https://www.linkedin.com/in/denis-souron/
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A Taste of the Past

Heritage Radio Network
Culinary historian Linda Pelaccio takes a journey through the history of food. Take a dive into food cultures through history, from ancient Mesopotamia and imperial China to the grazing tables and deli counters of today. Tune in as Linda, along with a guest list of culinary chroniclers and enthusiasts, explores the lively links between food cultures of the present and past.
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Vous aimez Gunnm ? Vous avez envie d’une deuxième lecture orchestrée par des passionnés qui ont digéré à de nombreuses reprises l’œuvre de Yukito Kishiro ? Alors venez découvrir Chronicles ; le podcast cyberpunk dédié au rêve d’une arme du nom de Gally et à son univers…
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The Fedora Chronicles Network

The Fedora Chronicles Network
Commentary on Pop Culture and Current Events from classic film snobs, nerds and Jazz-Era Aficionados / Dieselpunks. Special episodes include one-on-one interviews, media reviews and in-depth analysis. Topics include Conspiracy Theories, Paranormal and Unexplained Phenomenon, and True Crime. All with self-deprecating sophomoric humor.
Commentary on Pop Culture and Current Events from classic film snobs, nerds and Jazz-Era Aficionados / Dieselpunks. Special episodes include one-on-one interviews, media reviews and in-depth analysis. Topics include Conspiracy Theories, Paranormal and Unexplained Phenomenon, and True Crime. All with self-deprecating sophomoric humor.
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The Noise Pop Podcast is a monthly series showcasing new music discoveries and a diverse slate of guest artists from the independent music scene and beyond. Produced by Noise Pop, San Francisco’s go-to indie music, arts and film festival for over 25 years and hosted by music journalist Adrian Spinelli (Paste Magazine, SF Chronicle, etc..), we deliver engaging episodes that are always rooted in the music that we love and that we know you will too. Past guests have included: Khruangbin, Thao Nguyen, Quantic, Wye Oak, Helado Negro, Speedy Ortiz, Rexx Life Raj, Shigeto, Låpsley, Thievery Corporation and more.
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Chronique sonore de l'audio-naturaliste Fernand DEROUSSEN
Comment partager les sons de la nature en intéressant l'auditeur toujours curieux de savoir ce qu'il se passe . Simplement, en lui racontant une histoire vécue. Je suis Fernand DEROUSSEN et depuis plus de 40 ans je parcours la TERRE en quête du beau chant, de merveilleux chorus, de l'ambiance exceptionnelle pour témoigner de la beauté des sons de la nature sauvage. Je vous propose chaque semaine une chronique de mon travail d'audio-naturaliste au fil de mes rencontres et de mes émotions. How to share the sounds of nature by interesting the listener who is always curious to know what is going on. Simply, by telling him a real life story. My name is Fernand DEROUSSEN and for more than 40 years I have been traveling the EARTH in search of beautiful songs, wonderful choruses, and exceptional atmospheres to witness the beauty of the sounds of wild nature. Each week I offer you a chronicle of my work as an audio-naturalist, based on my encounters and my emotions.
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Nintendo Chronicles

Le podcast Nintendo 100% Débats, rétrospectives, tests et previews!
Retrouvez Pingoleon3000 et son équipe pour débattre de l'actualité des jeux Nintendo, faire des rétrospective des franchises les plus connues de la marque, le test du jeu du moment et bien plus encore!
tous les 7 résultats