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Le Cosy Corner

Le Cosy Corner
Le podcast de tous les p'tits cosys, par Medoc et…
Le podcast de tous les p'tits cosys, par Medoc et Moguri. On y cause de pop-culture de manière fortement aléatoire, mais toujours détendue.
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Tights and Fights is the podcast that covers pro-wrestling with the sincerity and hilarity that it deserves. Every week, hosts Hal Lublin, Danielle Radford and Lindsey Kelk make sense of the chaos that is the world of sports-entertainment. Whether it's the latest headlines, a cultural analysis of an old angle or a debate about which wrestler has the best merch, Tights and Fights will examine every corner of the squared-circle for your enjoyment.
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Italian Wine Podcast

Italian Wine Podcast
Cin Cin with Italian Wine Podcast
The Italian Wine Podcast is a storytelling project dedicated to the fascinating world of Italian wine. New episodes are published every day – so stay tuned! With more grape varieties and more diverse grape growing regions than any other country in the world, the story of Italian wine is a rich and captivating one. While the popularity of Italian wine continues to grow in every corner of the globe, inspired by a deep affection for the Italian way of life, the Italian Wine Podcast seeks to entertain, educate and inform. Embracing Italian food, travel, lifestyle and culture, IWP has something for every taste!
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Southern Foodways Alliance
Gravy shares stories of the changing American South through the foods we eat. Gravy showcases a South that is constantly evolving, accommodating new immigrants, adopting new traditions, and lovingly maintaining old ones. It uses food as a means to explore all of that, to dig into lesser-known corners of the region, complicate stereotypes, document new dynamics, and give voice to the unsung folk who grow, cook, and serve our daily meals.
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3 Questions and a Song

William Domiano
Build the Scene
Welcome to 3 Questions and a Song, where host Bill brings you on a musical journey like no other! This unique show is not just a radio hit, but also a podcast, on-demand TV, and OTT TV experience, making it accessible to music lovers everywhere. Join Bill as he introduces you to unsigned bands from every corner of the globe, spanning all genres imaginable. Get ready to discover your new favorite artists as Bill dives deep into their world, asking thought-provoking questions that reveal the essence of their music and creativity. With 3 Questions and a Song, you’ll uncover hidden gems and unearth musical treasures you never knew existed. So sit back, relax, and prepare to be blown away by the incredible talent showcased on this one-of-a-kind show! You can also find 3 Questions and a Song on various popular streaming platforms:
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Jean-Marie Tarascon est un spécialiste de la chimie/électrochimie du solide. Il est professeur à l'université de Picardie Jules Verne à Amiens où il dirige le Laboratoire de Réseau sur le Stockage Électrochimique de l'Énergie (FR CNRS 3459). Cependant l'essentiel de sa carrière s'est déroulé aux États-Unis, d'abord à Cornell University (1980), puis à Bell Laboratory et à Bellcore jusqu'en 1994. Ses travaux ont d'abord porté sur quelques propriétés électroniques de phases de Chevrel ainsi que sur leur aptitude à insérer ou deinsérer des ions alcalins. À la fin des années 1980, Jean-Marie Tarascon dirige le groupe de chimie de Bellcore et participe aux résultats obtenus sur les cuprates supraconducteurs à haute température critique, le rôle de la non stoechiométrie en oxygène, des substitutions cationiques, du magnétisme ou de la modulation des structures. Il revient toutefois à l'électrochimie des solides et devient un spécialiste mondialement reconnu : on lui doit la mise au point d'une batterie à ions lithium, basée sur un nouveau système tout plastique, actuellement commercialisée. Ses récents travaux, démontrant un mécanisme nouveau de réactivité du lithium vis-à-vis d'oxydes, sulfures, nitrures et fluorures, illustrent son désir constant de sortir des dogmes scientifiques bien établis. Il a été professeur invité au Collège de France sur la Chaire annuelle de Développement durable-Environnement, énergie et société (2010-2011) et vient d'être nommé Professeur au Collège de France sur une Chaire pérenne.
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Une réponse à la disparition d'Agatha Christie à Newlands Corner en décembre 1926. Enquêtes en ligne dans l'esprit des détectives britanniques en fauteuil au début du XXe Siècle.
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A podcasting favourite of the late 10's, Australia's most straight talking pop music bloggers, the Project U team, are back together for a weekly podcast. In the Pop Corner - Nic Kelly, Grace Garde & Nathan come together once a week to sort the excellence from the trash, play games and set straight the state of pop. Get on board bitches.
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New Sounds is unlike any radio show you've ever heard: a whirlwind tour of new and unusual music from all corners of the globe. New Sounds combs recent recordings for one of the most informative and compelling hours on radio, and aims to make the world sm
New Sounds is unlike any radio show you've ever heard: a whirlwind tour of new and unusual music from all corners of the globe. New Sounds combs recent recordings for one of the most informative and compelling hours on radio, and aims to make the world smaller. For over 25 years, host John Schaefer has been finding the melody in the rainforest and the rhythm in an orchestra of tin cans. Defying rigid categorization and genre pigeonholing, New Sounds offers new ways to hear the ancient language of song. With guest musicians from David Byrne to Meredith Monk to Ravi Shankar to Philip Glass to Christopher O'Riley to Bang On A Can, Schaefer presents performances (both in-studio and from the New Sounds Live concert series) and premieres new works from the classic and operatic to folk and jazz, and anything else in between. Each show has a theme, ranging from post-rock to klezmer to African blues to minimalism. The variety of cultures and styles explored is boundless. Music you may not have known existed and now can't live without.
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Une émission de presque 2H30 qui vous parle de cinéma avec humour et légèreté et garantie sans Spoilers ! Elle se compose de la manière suivante: - Back To The Past: on traite des bandes annonces sorties dans le courant du mois écoulé - Le Débat: un sujet est traité, analysé, avec parfois de la mauvaise foi et surtout pleins d'anecdotes de notre Ami Jeff. - Le Blind Test de Marion - Back To The Future: On vous parle des sorties prévues dans le mois à venir. Le tout entrecoupé de pauses musicales et de jingles pas toujours de qualité. Les Animateurs sont: - David (créateur du réseau Plopcast.fr) - Dorian dit Dodo - Marion, la musical power girl - Jeff, dit Le Doc Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez ausha.co/fr/politique-de-confidentialite pour plus d'informations.
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The Nod

A podcast from Gimlet Media that explores both the biggest moments and most underexplored corners of Black culture. Hosted by Brittany Luse and Eric Eddings.
The Nod tells the stories of Black life that don’t get told anywhere else, from an explanation of how purple drink became associated with Black culture to the story of how an interracial drag troupe traveled the nation in the 1940s. We celebrate the genius, the innovation, and the resilience that is so particular to being Black -- in America, and around the world.
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American Anthology

Michael W. Harding
Exploring America's Small Towns and Back Roads
American Anthology follows host and professional tour guide Michael Harding on a multi-year journey around the United States. Travelling slow, Mike hopes to spend at least a month in each state to seek out the most interesting and intriguing stories and share them with you here. Fascinating, thought provoking and sometimes hilarious stories await around every corner. Each episode will take you deep into that state’s history and culture and look at them through a modern lens. Mixed in with these tales from our past, you’ll hear great music from today’s local bands. Sit back, put your feet up on the dash, and come along for the ride.
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