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Accidental Tech Podcast

Marco Arment, Casey Liss, John Siracusa
Three nerds discussing tech, Apple, programming, and loosely related matters.
Three nerds discussing tech, Apple, programming, and loosely related matters.
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High-impact interviews for those who love adventure and the outdoors. Host and journalist Shelby Stanger interviews world-class explorers, athletes, authors, scientists, health experts and entrepreneurs about how they’ve taken their own wild ideas and made them a reality, so you can too. Some of the wildest ideas can lead to the most rewarding adventures.
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Coop et Canap

Coop&Canap Team
Le podcast 100% jeux vidéo et détente
Coop et Canap c'est toutes les 2 semaines l'actualité vidéo-ludique décortiquée par la bande la plus déglingo du web 2.0.Au programme, des news, des critiques, des débats, de l'e-sport, des quiz, du slow gaming mais surtout de la rigolade et une note de 4.5 sur Trip Advisor dans la catégorie à voir/à faire sur l'internet.https://www.coopetcanap.com Hébergé par Acast. Visitez acast.com/privacy pour plus d'informations.
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Deep House Dublin Radio

by Viktor Marina
Deep House Dublin Radio
Bosnian born, Dublin based DJ/producer and radio host Viktor Marina has been involved in electronic music since 2001, and a DJ since 2004. From being a music journalist through newspapers and radio, DJing to running various club nights as a promoter. As a founder and resident at Deep House Dublin has run several residencies in some of the major clubs in Dublin promoting and supporting the likes of Sandrino, Denis Horvat, Toto Chiavetta, Petar Dundov and more. In June 2020 he released his debut EP Utopia on Portuguese imprint Musica Gourmet and the new EP Destination House has landed in 2021 on Brazilian label Plano B. At the moment, his main focus is his CONFINED SPACES RADIO SHOW on the legendary Bloop London Radio! From House to Techno... Deep, Dark, Melodic and everything in between….
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Basketball Block Party

Basketball Block Party
Emission de débats 100% NBA par les fans pour les fans
Emission de débats festive, 100% NBA, présentée par les fans, à destination des fans. Autour d'un barbecue, d'une bière, bonne ambiance, détente, discussions... Hoops & Bbq!
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Funky beats, rhymes from the soul & street life
Ones in a million to truely love soul music & all black musics. And Like a temple guard, years by years, by trying to find the perfect loop, we achieved a awesome collection of sounds & tracks. Now we offer you the opportunity to listen to selected ones, our favorites, from the greatest to the undiscovered. Our greatest hope is that you'll enjoy the Food 4 Your Soul series.
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Mike Rugel and the Delta Blues Museum take a raw look at the early history of blues music. Each show includes a series of pre-war blues tracks along with context and exposition. Visit www.deltabluesmuseum.org or Uncensored History of the Blues blog at www
Mike Rugel and the Delta Blues Museum take a raw look at the early history of blues music. Each show includes a series of pre-war blues tracks along with context and exposition. Visit www.deltabluesmuseum.org or Uncensored History of the Blues blog at www.purplebeech.com/blues.
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The Pratchett Podcast
The Diskworld Reviewed and Taken under the Loop.
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WFMU presents Bleeps, bloops and beats of pre-millennium electronica.
A half hour show show celebrating the bleeps, bloops and beats of pre-millennium electronica and dance singles in the twelve inch format. Lots of forgotten and discarded artists, pseudonyms, sub-genres and remixes from the late 80's and 90's thrown at you in a down and dirty fashion.
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Quelques questions posées sur le vif, un design sonore à la carte qui se crée en direct. C'est la formule du Portrait Sonore Express !
Quelques questions posées sur le vif, un design sonore à la carte qui se créer en direct. C'est la formule du Portrait Sonore Express ! Découvrez les portraits réalisés à Dunkerque lors de la rencontre organisée par Hauts les Coop à Dunkerque le 14 avril 2023 et réunissant les acteurs et actrices de l’écosystème des 8 coopératives d'activités et d'emploi de la région Hauts-de-France.
tous les 10 résultats