Medium d04975200046b3796994d4c7fcefddeb98c4e791
Home Brewing and How to Brew Podcast for Beer Brewers
The BeerSmith Home Brewing Show is a beer brewing podcast focused on how to brew beer, homebrewing techniques, and beer stories from top US and international brewers. In each episode we bring you an interview with guests assembled from around the world to talk about beer, craft beer and homebrew. The BeerSmith podcast is hosted by Dr Brad Smith, the author of BeerSmith homebrewing software, the book Home Brewing with BeerSmith, and the BeerSmith blog which attracts over 200,000 readers monthly. Website: http://BeerSmith.com/blog
Medium 64db2a76b3491c48210d4de53709d8de89be0dc9
Performance, Harmonie & Commercial
Ce podcast est destiné aux responsables marketing et vente ainsi qu'aux dirigeants de sociétés assumant des fonctions commerciales. Nous vous partageons tous les mois les bonnes expériences en matière de recherche de nouveaux clients pour les entreprises actives en business to business. Vous pouvez retrouver chaque épisode sur le site de https://phcom.be (PHCom), mais également sur toutes les bonnes plateformes de podcast. Ce podcast est enregistré avec le support technique de The Podcast Factory Org (asbl-vzw) dans leur studio podcast chez Transforma bxl à Evere. Music by ComaStudio from Pixabay.
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Modernist BreadCrumbs

Heritage Radio Network
Modernist Cuisine founder Nathan Myhrvold and head chef Francisco Migoya join host Jordan Werner Barry and executive producer Michael Harlan Turkell for Modernist BreadCrumbs, a special series taking a new look at one of the oldest staples of the human diet: bread. Start with starter and then take a look at the discoveries and techniques from Modernist Bread. Enjoy interviews with the bakers, scientists, chefs, authors, millers, and Bread Heads who are shaping the future of bread. We’ll take deep dives into the microbial world, heritage grains, flatbreads, and breads with holes, but we’ll also step back and look at how bread intersects with culture, fermentation, immigration, art, and tradition. Fire up your oven and follow the breadcrumbs.
Medium d4cbbb88633695ad2f42f9d493906fc17b3bd1bf
Jeff Floro's All About Guitar
On All About Guitar we talk tone. We talk technique. We talk gear. We talk to artists, educators, manufacturers and more! Where we take a good look at everything guitar, and some things not exactly guitar but just as important to become more successful musicians in today's music scene! Hosted by Jeff "The FLO" Floro, join us as we explore...All About Guitar! Listen Live Mondays at 8:00PM (PST), on LA Talk Radio (latalkradio.com)
Medium ff761ae1f8633c1b65be7b6199ccf57ceb85f4c6
Un podcast au delà des faux semblants de communication, au delà des défauts de parole et des actes manqués d’amour.
Autour d'un thé, Zeyno et Jim échangent sur les amours blessés, les cœurs en réparation et les émotions bloquées. Guidés par les techniques de Communication Non Violente d'après Marshall Rosenberg et inspirés par leur propre vécu et réflexion, les deux amis tentent d'apporter leur brin de sagesse dans le mystère de la relation à soi et aux autres.
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