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A Century of America's Music
A walk through the last century of America's roots music, the podcasts for Deeper Roots come to you from productions at Sonoma County's own community radio station, KOWS 92.5 FM, streaming at www.kowsfm.com.
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Have you ever needed to create an email address for a one-time use? Maybe you're signing up for a contest or registering for a site that doesn't require your personal email address. Well, here's everything you need to know about creating temporary emails. You'll be able to find out how to set them up, how long they last, and what the restrictions are. So whether you're just curious or actually in need of a disposable email address, keep reading!... visit here: https://educatorpages.com/site/Createtemporaryemail/pages/create-temporary-email-everything-you-need-to-know?
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La Collection Georges Lang
Les soirs du week-end, Georges Lang vous propose une programmation très éclectique. Le vendredi, c’est sur les bords de la West Coast que « The last DJ » comme on le surnomme vous fait revivre le son de la Californie des années 60. Le samedi soir, les incontournables, les essentiels du rock des Seventies à aujourd’hui s’enchainent pour cette soirée de sortie pour les uns et de détente à la maison, seul ou entre amis, pour les autres. Quant au dimanche, La Collection vous propose un programme musical plus soft pour terminer en douceur votre week-end en écoutant la voix chaude de Georges Lang.
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One of modern modern music’s most enduring genres, progressive rock has flourished since the late sixties when radio switched to FM and music became adventurous and more artistic outside of the comfort zones of Pop. Progressive rock also branched into sub-genres; progressive folk, progressive metal, RIO — rock in opposition, avant-garde & experimental, progressive electronic, Psychedelic space rock, progressive Italiano, post-rock, krautrock, canterbury, jazz fusion, and many others. Unlike a lot of musical styles this is a worldwide experience as progressive rock has been embraced by virtually every country in the world and have bands throughout the last decades that have produced interesting blends of prog rock mixed in with their own country’s folk influences. Prog rock is less of an acquired taste and more a demanding experience that requires full attention and cannot be treated as a commodity. With its virtuosity and imaginative landscapes, the music takes the listener to the higher plane of musical enjoyment. Visit ASD Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/CjswAttentionSurplusDisorder/
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Anime! Manga! Conventions! Fandom! Reviews! News! Editorials! Seasonal Preview Guides! Classics! The Reverse Thieves look at so much anime and manga that it can’t be contained within a single podcast. Join Kate and Alain as they discuss everything from what they just watched to what is going on in fandom. SWAT (Seasonal Watching Anime Taskforce) Reviews: A look at the first episode of the best (and sometimes worst) anime of the new season. Case Closed Reviews: A final wrap-up of the anime we finished this season. Did they knock it out of the park or crash and burn? The Speakeasy: What we've been watching, reading, and playing, plus a look into the news from the last month. Rewatch Podcasts: We go back and watch a classic show to see if it lives up to our memories. Crime Scene Investigations: Our recollections from the biggest national anime conventions to the most intimate gathering of fans.
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Entretiens avec des personnages en position de leadership dans l'entrepreneuriat, le business, le sport, et la politique
Je (Minter Dial) suis hôte de ce podcast Minter Dialogue en français avec des conversations sur les marques et le leadership. Avec une mission d'élever le débat et donner plus de sens à nos vies, il invite sur son show des personnages politiques, des entrepreneurs, des sportifs, des auteurs et des patrons en entreprise. Les émissions tendent à être autour de 45 minutes. Venez me rendre visite sur minterdial.fr. Mon blog et podcast en anglais: Minter Dialogue in English. Minter est l'auteur de quatre livres, The Last Ring Home (en VO), Futureproof (VO), L'Empathie au cœur de l'intelligence artificielle (2023) et La boussole du leader (2023 aux Éditions Diateino). Il écrit actuellement Dialogos sur Substack (VO), pour promouvoir plus de conversations profondes et remplies de sens.


Emission Pluriel
Pluriel, une émission agitatrice et anticonformiste autour de la lusophonie, animée tous les vendredis par Paul et Manu entre 19h00 et 20h30 (Heure de Paris).
L'Emission Pluriel a été créée en 1985 par António et Manuel, deux amis qui, depuis, sont partis vivre au Portugal. A l'origine, l'émission est consacrée au rock, et notamment à la musique Pop-Rock portugaise, la dite "Música Moderna Portuguesa", alors en plein boum. Paulo et Manu (2), puis plus tard Marie, ont apporté la diversité dans Pluriel, avec la musique poulaire et engagée de Zeca Afonso, Luís Cília, Adriano Correia de Oliveira, Fausto, Vitorino, Trovante... Mais tout ce beau monde est parti un jour, également au Portugal et Man, seul, a poursuivi l'aventure, qui dure maintenant depuis 30 ans! L'émission - avec le retour temporaire de Paulo du Portugal - est devenue de plus en plus engagée et polémique sur le plan social et politique au niveau du Portugal, mais la musique n'est pas oubliée, élargie à des sons venus d'Italie et d'Espagne, voire de plus loin...En effet, l'un des groupes égérie de l'émission Pluriel est The Last Internationale (NYC).
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If There Is Hell Below... Arkive

If There Is Hell Below
Two Best Friends Playing Their Favourite New Songs
Rob Morgan and Callum Eckersley present weekly new music podcast If There Is Hell Bellow... 'Two Best Friends Playing Their Favourite New Songs'. Established in 2010 ya boys have been bringing their own brand of badinage and deeply dug new music picks to the world of podcasting. ITHB is now exclusive to Spotify, so check out future episodes over on Spotify and on anchor.fm/ithbpodcast This feed will remain open, for a limited time, as an Arkive for you to delve back over the last few years of ITHB. 'On the Ark with…' is a brand new podcast from the boys who gave you the If There Is Hell Below. In each episode Rob and Callum invite one of their favourite artists onto their mythical ark; a huge vessel prepped for the end of the world and with your hosts as Co-Captains they welcome their new ship mates. Over drinks they ask the people who make the music what songs and albums have made them the musician, artist and person they are.
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Come To The Sunshine

andrew sandoval
Andrew Sandoval brings the world into his record room
Grammy nominated producer/engineer, Andrew Sandoval, brings the world into his magical record room for an array of rarities, hidden gems and mono minutiae. He calls it "Come To The Sunshine," and for the last ten years, thousands of worldwide listeners have.
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Est-il besoin de résumer ce conte ? Il vous est sans doute bien connu. Quoique... Vous serez peut-être surpris de découvrir ce qui a fait de la Bête ce qu'elle est et que la Belle n'est pas tout à fait celle qu'on pense...
Est-il besoin de résumer ce conte ? Il vous est sans doute bien connu. Quoique... Vous serez peut-être surpris de découvrir ce qui a fait de la Bête ce qu'elle est et que la Belle n'est pas tout à fait celle qu'on pense. Is there a point in summarizing this tale ? You probably know it all already. Although... You may be surprised to find out why the Beast became a beast and that Beauty is not quite who we think she is.
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Hear this and hear it well... a Dark Tower podcast.
Welcome to Radio Free Mid-World, a podcast examination of the Dark Tower series of books by Stephen King. Every other week, a panel of hosts will discuss these books that merge fantasy, sci-fi, and western themes... outlining the quest of the last Gunslinger to reach the Dark Tower.
tous les 11 résultats