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Musique bruyante et actu musicale - Noisy music and news
Playlists douteuses et publication anarchique mais on parle des sorties disques et concerts - Dubious playlists and anarchic regularity about record releases and concerts. *** Les droits musicaux appartiennent évidement aux différents ayant-droit et nous ne gagnons rien du tout sur l'utilisation des morceaux. This is a nonprofit podcast and we don't earn any money. We used musical tracks under fair use. ***
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Your vibe under spotlight
En chacun, il y a un cadeau, de par ses expériences de vie, son ADN unique, sa singularité ainsi que par sa vision du passé, du présent, du futur… A travers nos interviews menés avec bienveillance, nous mettons en lumière leur unicité en permettant à leur cœur de nous livrer leurs histoires. Nos épisodes sont diffusés aux formats vidéo, podcast et live.
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Au Bord des Corps

A Bras le Corps
Par la socio, la philo et la poésie, déconstruisons nos rapports aux corps, réinventons nos identités et poursuivant les luttes quotidiennes et révolutionnaires dont nous sommes les héritière.s
Déconstruisons nos rapports aux corps ! Prise de parole collective et dialogue des sensibilités par une myriade de supports sonores hétéroclites. C'est un projet politiquement engagé, se voulant radicalement féministe, queer et anti autoritaire. Il est basé sur une démarche de deconstruction sociologique et philosophique et notamment sur la conviction que nos corps sont depuis des siècles des objets et sujets d’oppression, de modulation, de socialisation et d’auto-discipline mais que nous avons toujours réussi à trouver des points de fuite, réalisé des syncrétismes, créé, inventé, resignifié. En bref, ce projet ambitionne de fournir le miroir autant qu'une potentielle ressource supplémentaire aux résistances individuelles et collectives en revendiquant une (ré)appropriation de nos corps face aux pouvoirs par ce que Preciado appellerait des "révolutions somatiques" quotidiennes!
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live mix of the latest selection of deep electronic music
Under The Moon is a duo of two French DJs, Nati Minh and Lou Ann. They select and play monthly their best selection of underground tracks of Deep House, Tech House and Techno.
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Gilles Veinstein is a professor at the Collège de France in Paris and a directeur d'études at the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales His researches deal with political practices and ideology, economy and society in the early Ottoman Empire, until the end of the 18h c., with a special emphasis on the analyses of the Ottoman archivistic material. He has edited Mehmed Effendi. Le paradis des infidels (Paris: Maspéro, coll. « La Découverte », 1981). Along with numerous other works he is the author of L'Empire ottoman et les pays roumains 1544-1545 (with M. Berindei) (Paris and Cambridge MA: EHESS and Harvard Ukrainian Research Institute, 1987), État et société dans l'Empire ottoman. La terre, la guerre, les communautés, (London: Variorum, 1994), Le serail ébranlé (with Nicolas Vatin) (Paris: Fayard, 2003), L' Europe et l'Islam. Quinze siècles d'histoire (with Henry Laurens and John Tolan) (Paris: Odile Jacobs, 2009. A volume is now under press collecting a selection of his articles under the title Autoportrait du sultan ottoman en conquérant. ). He is the editor of the journal Turcica.
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Christine PETIT, Professeure de la chaire de « Génétique et physiologie cellulaire » La physiologie du système auditif, en particulier celle des premiers relais de traitement des signaux sonores, est assez bien comprise. En revanche, les mécanismes cellulaires et moléculaires qui la sous-tendent échappaient encore à toute caractérisation, au début des années 1990. L'approche génétique que le laboratoire du Professeure Christine Petit en proposa, a permis d'en initier le déchiffrage. Cette recherche adossée à l'identification des gènes dont l'atteinte est responsable de formes précoces de surdité chez l'homme, se développe sous la forme d'études multidisciplinaires. Elle éclaire les bases moléculaires de la formation et du fonctionnement de l'organe sensoriel auditif, notamment de ses cellules sensorielles ainsi que la pathogénie d'un vaste ensemble de surdités héréditaires du sujet jeune. Elle est aussi à l'origine de la découverte de nouvelles propriétés physiologiques du système auditif. L'objectif de la recherche s'est élargi depuis peu à l'élucidation de la pathogénie de la presbyacousie, surdité neurosensorielle liée à l'âge, et à une approche thérapeutique du syndrome Usher. Les cours de Christine PETIT portent sur le système auditif, son fonctionnement et ses dysfonctionnements. Ils s'adressent à un public intéressé par les neurosciences, la psychoacoustique, la musique et les troubles de la communication acoustique. Professor Christine PETIT is holding the chair of "Genetics and Cellular Physiology". Despite the amazing knowledge gathered on the physiology of the auditory system, especially at the peripheral level, the sensory organ and its innervation, the underlying molecular mechanisms, were escaping characterization. Then, on the grounds of the identification of the genes causative for the early onset forms of deafness in humans pioneered by Professor Christine Petit, her laboratory set off to decipher the cellular and molecular mechanisms of hearing, the way in which the auditory system develops and processes acoustic signals. Crossing the boundaries between medical and basic research fields, multidisciplinary analyses enable this laboratory to decipher the molecular physiology of the sensory organ (especially of auditory sensory cells), the pathogenesis of a large spectrum of inherited deafness forms and also to uncover new physiological properties of the auditory system. Today, its research encompasses additional objectives, such as in particular the treatment of Usher syndrome, using a gene-therapy approach of the retinal defects associated to congenital profound deafness and the elucidation of the pathogenesis of presbycusis, age-related sensorineural hearing loss, in the perspective of preventing and alleviating this very frequent communication disorder.
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Rock Under Fire

Rock Under Fire is a rock and roll podcast dissecting and discussing seven decades of rock in all its beautiful, wondrous, and despicable glory. Once upon a time, rock and roll music was the center of pop culture. Is rock really dead as some suggest? Or is it in a period of stagnancy existing on the fringe? What is its place in the 21st Century? These questions are the constant underlying theme to a different rock-related subject for each bi-weekly episode. Join hosts Mike Derrico, Patrick Ivanitski, and Stick Nixon for this unique ongoing dialogue through rock's past, present, and future.
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One hundred simple fish sauces. Sixty-five ways to cook mackerel. The Catching of Unshelled Fish. Twenty-seven ways to Cook Frogslegs. Now that should certainly make you reach...
One hundred simple fish sauces. Sixty-five ways to cook mackerel. The Catching of Unshelled Fish. Twenty-seven ways to Cook Frogslegs. Now that should certainly make you reach for your apron and fish knife! How to Cook Fish by Olive Green is a vintage culinary classic, filled with simple, easy to follow recipes rendered in a terse, no nonsense style. There's none of this fiddling with scales, weights and measures. What you get is a mélange of interesting, unusual ways to cook seafood without worrying about lists of ingredients, timings, temperature or any of the conventions followed by traditional cookbooks. If you've read that old Victorian favorite, Lavender and Old Lace (which was later adapted very successfully as Arsenic and Old Lace) by Myrtle Reed, you'd certainly be interested to know that the author had an equally successful career as a writer of popular cook books. Writing under the pseudonym Olive Green, Reed published six very successful books on cooking. However, from 1898 to her suicide in 1911, she continuously published at least one novel every year. The books are romantic and highly emotional in nature, full of unrequited passion, revenge, mystery and supernatural happenings. She also wrote a collection of stories about important women who made a difference to society. In between, she wrote pamphlets, married her Canadian pen-pal, suffered severe and debilitating bouts of insomnia and engaged in charity work. Her cookbooks are characterized by interesting tips on home making and the art of cooking, peppered with literary nuggets and quotations, witty remarks and anecdotes, all of which make How to Cook Fish not just an excellent recipe book but also an interesting and entertaining read. She also provides lists of what fish are in season during particular times of year, thus ensuring that the cook uses only the freshest of ingredients. How to Cook Fish is divided into 45 chapters. The One Hundred Fish Sauces are arranged in alphabetical order, starting with “Admiral Sauce” and ending with “White Sauce.” In between you have recipes for “Brown Tomato Sauce” “Sicilian Sauce” and other such unusual concoctions. Under the chapter One Hundred Miscellaneous Recipes you have items such as Fish a la Brunswick, Chartreuse of Fish, Jellied Fish Salad and many other great variations. This is indeed a great addition to your kitchen library and the clear, simple way in which the recipes are presented would tempt even the least adventurous of cooks to try a hand at one of these delicious sounding creations.
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The Pratchett Podcast
The Diskworld Reviewed and Taken under the Loop.
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Bonjour et bienvenue ! Je suis Marie Boyer-Auber…
Bonjour et bienvenue ! Je suis Marie Boyer-Aubert, fondatrice de Jolibump, première marque française qui propose une mode durable à porter avant, pendant et après la grossesse. Ce podcast, c'est le blog audio de Joli Bump. Chaque épisode est une rencontre avec une femme pour l'interroger sur sa vision et son vécu de la maternité, sur la relation de la femme qu'elle est à la maman qu'elle est devenue et sur la transmission. Pour suivre Joli Bump : https://www.jolibump.com Sur Instagram https://www.instagram.com/jolibump/ Sur Facebook https://www.facebook.com/jolibump/ Production : Jolibump Musique : "Little Girl Under Strain" - Trimmed Tigers
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Talker Texas Ranger USA

Jared, Devin, and Whitt
The only official Walker, Texas Ranger podcast and the only podcast being recorded by captives of Chuck Norris in a bunker deep under his ranch.
The only official Walker, Texas Ranger podcast and the only podcast being recorded by captives of Chuck Norris in a bunker deep under his ranch.
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Unleash Your True Self

Houefa Gbaguidi
15 min a day to reflect on yourself and develop your self-awareness
The Unleash Your True Self Podcast is a self-development podcast hosted by Houefa Gbaguidi, a French transformational coach. Its aim is to help you to gain confidence and reveal your true self, so that you could live a more purposeful life, aligned with your values and your identity. Listen to those episodes and take 15 min of your time only for yourself and self-reflect. You can find this podcast on all the platforms like Apple Podcast, Spotify or Google Podcast. You can follow me on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/_yourtrueself Take care ! --- Music "Sappheiros - Embrace" is under Creative Commons licence (cc-by) Music distributed by Breaking Copyright: https://bit.ly/sappheiros-embrace
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Edmond Dantès, a young seaman with a promising future, is arrested at his wedding ceremony under calomnious charges, and locked up in the Chateau d’If for 14 years. During this...
Edmond Dantès, a young seaman with a promising future, is arrested at his wedding ceremony under calomnious charges, and locked up in the Chateau d’If for 14 years. During this time, he secretly meets another detainee, l’Abbé Faria, an erudite believed to be insane, who becomes his friend and teacher, and who, upon his death, gives Edmond the secret to a hidden treasure. Dantès then manages to escape, almost drowning in the process, and is believed by all to be dead. With the knowledge and the treasure transmitted by l’abbé Faria, and his own wish for revenge, Edmond Dantès plots the downfall of his enemies under the identity of the Count of Monte-Cristo. Summary by Jc Guan.
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uOttawa MedCast
Les baladodiffusions pour les étudiants en médecine de l'université d'Ottawa, enregistrées par M. Martin Gauthier sous la supervision de Dr Ali R. Jalali Francophone podcasts for the medical students at the University of Ottawa, recorded by Mr. Martin Gauthier under supervision of Dr Ali R. Jalali
tous les 14 résultats