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Medium d4cbbb88633695ad2f42f9d493906fc17b3bd1bf
...Delorto return to All About Guitar as we take a look at the legacy of Orville Gibson going into the next century after his passing, and we have a lot to talk...
Medium d4cbbb88633695ad2f42f9d493906fc17b3bd1bf

Gibson Guitars, Pt2

LA Talk Radio
...De Lorto, Gibson historian, writer, and producer on an upcoming documentary on the life of Orville Gibson . Gibson guitars: gibson.com Gregg De Lorto: greggdelorto.com Wolf Marshall: wolfmarshall.com Sharon De Lorto: Linkedin.com/in/sharon-de-lorto-b5722490/
Medium d4cbbb88633695ad2f42f9d493906fc17b3bd1bf

Gibson guitars, Pt1

LA Talk Radio
...are Sharon and Gregg De Lorto. Guitar historians and producers of an upcoming biography on Orville Gibson , Sharon & Gregg will explore the development of the guitar at Gibson and especially...
Medium d4cbbb88633695ad2f42f9d493906fc17b3bd1bf
Last week, August 19th, marked the 100 year anniversary of Orville Gibson 's death. Sharon and Gregg De Lorto return to the show to talk more about...
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