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Medium a9a1e70212e387142212eeea28229ac672738c5c

TVBS Du 18 Mai 2023

Valerie Bellot
Medium 0763ef4739b467fc76a1bb974f3bbb63670fb4f4

Summer Road Trip #361

Marc Gunn, Irish & Celtic Music Podcast, traditional Irish music with Andrew Finn Magill, Susana Seivane, Gillian Boucher
Medium 0763ef4739b467fc76a1bb974f3bbb63670fb4f4
Medium 0763ef4739b467fc76a1bb974f3bbb63670fb4f4

In the Name of Love #295

Marc Gunn, The Muckers, Jesse Ferguson, Sean Orr, The Sorries, Kilted Kings, Carobn Leaf
Medium 0763ef4739b467fc76a1bb974f3bbb63670fb4f4

Together with Celtic Music #293

Marc Gunn, Booze Brothers, The Shanties, Battlelegs, Chris Murphy, Blarney Castle, Solas
Medium 0763ef4739b467fc76a1bb974f3bbb63670fb4f4

Scottish Music #292

Marc Gunn, Wicked Tinkers, Vicki Swan & Jonny Dyer, Caledonia Swing, LThe Freestylers of Piping
Medium 0763ef4739b467fc76a1bb974f3bbb63670fb4f4

Thru Your Irish Eyes #291

Marc Gunn, West of Mabou, Andrew Finn Magill, Myddle Earth, McDerry, Acoustic Butterfly, O'Craven
Medium 0763ef4739b467fc76a1bb974f3bbb63670fb4f4

Instrumental Celtic Music #290

Marc Gunn, Sons of Malarkey, Susana Seivane, NUA, Wolf & Clover, Battlefield Band, Bill Troxler
Medium 0763ef4739b467fc76a1bb974f3bbb63670fb4f4

Celtic Peace Maker #288

Marc Gunn, Sisters of Murphy, Secret Sky, Doug Folkins, Hugh Morrison, Andrew McKee, Spirited Lads
Medium 0763ef4739b467fc76a1bb974f3bbb63670fb4f4

Great Celtic Music Hiding at Renaissance Festivals #283

Marc Gunn, The New Minstrel Revue, Cantiga, Minstrosity, Bounding Main, Lost Boys, Three Quarter Ale
Medium 39111b04cad4ea56b393715ca055760179566531
Medium 5de0f93f6e795ff37bceff2e7a741ce56fa5d5b0
Medium cd7d95ce7b6bbf8722e3d65eb9f43acdc27881f2
Medium cd7d95ce7b6bbf8722e3d65eb9f43acdc27881f2
Medium a3d14649bb3687a65761ae0fd83f522eb793273c