

Medium ae24c3c1d2dab7001c27e62af3746c56589dfde7
Making music has never been easier, but building a music career today is altogether different. Finding the right audience for your music takes an entrepreneurial mindset, a lot of hard work, and a willingness to experiment. The DIY Musician Podcast features interviews with artists of all styles and backgrounds who’ve found a unique but authentic pathway to success, as well as in-depth discussions with music publicists, promoters, lawyers, publishers, talent buyers, and more. This podcast is geared towards independent musicians who want to build a sustainable music career without giving up (too much) financial or creative control. The hosts work with hundreds of thousands of artists at CD Baby, and are actively releasing and promoting their own music too; they're part of the same community they’re helping to educate and encourage with each new episode.
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...ça se passe 🪂 C’est l’histoire de CadoMaestro et de son fondateur et CEO Sylvain Bruyère. CadoMaestro en 2024 c’est : 4,5 Millions de CA - 20 collaborateurs 600 000 clients...
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Flux : A Voix Haute
Jean de La Bruyère, né à Paris le 16 août 16451 et mort à Versailles le 11 mai 16962,...
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La Bruyère

Radio Classique
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Entrevue avec Steve Villeneuve et Martin Bruyère pour le documentaire sur les fans de Evil Dead: Hail to the deadites. Aussi disponible...
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Flux : Mutations
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Flux : 415663
...des pensées et de sciences. Infos : https://rencontresmichelserresagen.com https://radiocampus47.fr Production : Radio Campus 47, Maxence Bruyère avec la participation de Juliette - Campus FM Toulouse, Milad - C-lab Rennes, Axel -...
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Flux : Thinkerview
Table ronde avec Mireille Bruyère, Eric Berr et David Cayla : Les économistes atterrés en...
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Flux : Mutations