

Medium a2a3b28e2e954b0dbad4953b5f3155d341a1a641


Apps, gaming, culture, tech, toutes les news de la semaine en 30 minutes.
Chaque vendredi, Caféine et Faskil se posent derrière le micro pour partager leurs actus du moment. Un condensé TL;DR de 30 minutes d'apps, jeux, matos et autres, à déguster avec votre kawa du matin.
Medium 41e889a0b920cb533f5b3e0c968b5ac9de8217a1
Vinylestimes Classic Rock Radio. Le Radio du Hard Rock Mélodique.
HellYeah on the WebRock Station ! Find your favourite Hard Rock, Metal, Heavy Metal tracks in the daily playlist of Vinylestimes Classic Rock Radio. Live interviews are available in the 213Rock & Last Ride shows.      https://www.vinylestimes.fr  / Free app Vinylestimes Doc Olivier / Harrag Melodica Nous écouter: https://urlz.fr/bmOO FREE APP Apple : https://urlz.fr/bmXA FREE APP Google : https://urlz.fr/bmXE #vinylestimes #podcast #213Rock 👍 Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez ausha.co/fr/politique-de-confidentialite pour plus d'informations.
Medium d2b953313cc396b78c2a0ec822d5422915741d01


The New York Times
The Popcast is hosted by Jon Caramanica, a pop music critic for The New York Times. It covers the latest in popular music criticism, trends and news. Listen to this podcast in New York Times Audio, our new iOS app for news subscribers. Download now at nytimes.com/audioapp
Medium 4dead0e19b5c969ea2ac3070e81f6e29c08b40b0
Your Dinner Cheat Sheet
A last-minute party with no menu inspiration. A kitchen with no space. A toddler who will only eat buttered pasta. Name your dinner emergency—Bon Appétit is here to help.  Dinner SOS is the podcast where we answer desperate home cooks' cries for help. In every episode, food director Chris Morocco and a rotating cast of cooking experts tackle a highly specific conundrum and present two solutions. The caller will pick one, cook through it, and let us know if we successfully helped rescue dinner. Call in with your own dinner emergencies—no problem is too big or too small! For the recipes featured in Dinner SOS and more, head to bonappetit.com or download the new Epicurious App in the iOS App Store. You can find episodes of our previous podcast, Food People, here.
Medium 18a54fc15c6637b5afd173074feee8b410f10db8
Salut ! Nous sommes Julien et Samir et on te souhaite la bienvenue dans ce podcast : La Systémique du Bonheur.  On parle de psychologie, coaching, stratégies et développement personnel. Nous avons fondé l'Institut Merlin (https://institut-merlin.com), centre d'excellence international en coaching. Nous te partageons dans ce podcast les astuces et les clés d'une vie épanouissante : Philosophie appliquée, stratégies psychologiques, histoires inspirantes, partages pour grandir et évoluer... Bref ! Que du bon pour ta progression et ton développement personnel. Alors abonne-toi, like, commente et partage.  Pour plus d'informations et de ressources utiles, on te donne rendez-vous ici 👉 https://trafficize.app/app/institut-merlin (https://trafficize.app/app/institut-merlin)  Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez ausha.co/fr/politique-de-confidentialite pour plus d'informations.


Medium a4a6e1d5ac8a98b1e89be7733b01ff055b533e3c

RNR 294 - RIP App Center (and other news)

rnradio@infinite.red (Mazen Chami, Robin Heinze)
Medium 578ecab09d98852843d8f80d28f6a456e92bf892
Medium 5649ebb9a1b075a3c9d8be5e5766a001eb28a47c
Medium 578ecab09d98852843d8f80d28f6a456e92bf892
Medium 3324f19cf5214c3ae092e92057544f4b4ce23a5d
Medium fc3cb299c9f1919103b8197f97783a2e13eedd29
Flux : Torréfaction
Medium 1d2e27fb915fb7b0ece0ee74e50d6258190e45aa
Flux : All Podcast
Medium 77708cc851f28f49709ae12dbf260718b626d473
Medium 5e031cd9b8e2f4b2c4996884e96ba9d4662b2053
Medium 5e031cd9b8e2f4b2c4996884e96ba9d4662b2053
Medium a4a6e1d5ac8a98b1e89be7733b01ff055b533e3c

RNR 293 - Real Life React Native With Benji Lightstone

rnradio@infinite.red (Benji Lightstone, Jamon Holmgren)
Medium ba6e59191494b6786cdba157ead300e2d95265a4
Medium 031b88ecaabe2df6c228869d0d0f17fc440dd290
Medium a4a6e1d5ac8a98b1e89be7733b01ff055b533e3c

RNR 292 - RNR Explains: Metro Bundler

rnradio@infinite.red (Mazen Chami, Jamon Holmgren, Robin Heinze)
Medium aae47a54995f457131ea9da1cd28a1f81a2c56f3