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Medium 837897d846c059fdef72d8a529c4aff2e0b36a77
Medium 863e658e36071eee6228319579b606ebc090aff4
Medium 7fcafbfd02eb53b2ebf743663cae6794e78ca2b2
Flux : Live on KEXP
Medium 7fcafbfd02eb53b2ebf743663cae6794e78ca2b2
Flux : Live on KEXP
Medium 7d7ae63d3dbf1a6eaddebcca82f6b19398648761
Medium 7d7ae63d3dbf1a6eaddebcca82f6b19398648761
Medium 7d7ae63d3dbf1a6eaddebcca82f6b19398648761
Medium 1d2735c09fe2af4d7fe35ff8b81791d8d3756a5f

Episode 293 - Jesse Herlitz of Moire

Ed Peterson and John Kieltyka
Flux : The High Gain
Medium 7b0240c12ad33deb66d338334bb8b546a9a9b356
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Medium 863e658e36071eee6228319579b606ebc090aff4

Death & Applesauce w/ Ryan of Fuzzrocious Pedals

Blake Wyland & Sound Talent Media
...have an enclosure made of bones in his collection? Can volleyball save your life? Should fuzz pedals be integrated into chorus effects? When you die, will you become a tree? The answers...
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Medium 863e658e36071eee6228319579b606ebc090aff4

Street Mosh Pits w/ Jon Orc of Hemorage

Blake Wyland & Sound Talent Media
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What Does A Producer Do? w/ Anthony J. Resta

Blake Wyland & Sound Talent Media
...is a perfect person to educate us. We talk about what that means to him, FUZZ PEDALS , the changing technology of the recording world, the importance of the room sounds. This...