

Medium a69360529bedca4e60fd1aa7f233f610b1d43eb8
J. Scheid has dedicated both, his thèse de IIIe cycle (1975) and his doctorat d'Etat to the exploitation of epigraphic and archaeological evidence on public priesthood and official religion in Imperial Rome, namely to the Arval brethren, whose considerable political and religious relevance had so far been ignored: He has shed light on the social background that their priests were recruited from and has supervised the excavation and examination of the sanctuary that the fraternity administered and used. John Scheid has based his subsequent studies on the Arval brethren's annual protocols, so as to reconstruct and interprete the rituals that the fraternity had established. From these he has derived a model, that he has proven to be applicable to all public religious acts in the antique city of Rome. In identifying these acts as essential parts of public life, he has established them as valid sources for analysing the institutions of the Roman Empire in its entity. His research presently has three directions : He continuously works on the institutions in Imperial Rome in general and is preparing a new edition of the Res Gestae Divi Augusti. A second branch of his studies is dedicated to the religious practice of the Romans: he supervises the excavation and analysis of cult sites in Rome and Tunisia (La Magliana and Jebel Oust) and manages the project Inventory of the cult sites of antique Italy' in collaboration with Olivier de Cazanove. An additional project deals with the archaeology of rituals: in this area, J. Scheid's main interest lies on the concrete traces of religious practices, as they manifest themselves in death ritual. Together with Jacopo Ortalli, he has initiated the foundation of an international team of experts on necropole excavations, which is currently carrying out the exemplary excavation of a completely untouched necropole in Classe (Ravenna). In a third research area, John Scheid examins Greek and Roman mythology in a comparative research method, in cooperation with Jesper Svendro.
Medium 41dd5fdb2fa906f047bcd8f6dbf2eea17499eb3b

Classical Road Trip

WDAV Classical Public Radio
An introduction to Classical music.
Join Alexander McCall, Themba Searles and Kali Blevins as they take you on a journey through different periods and styles of classical music. Along the way we’ll share interesting facts and expose you to a diverse range of pieces to increase your knowledge and appreciation of the different forms of classical music. Podcast are presented by WDAV Classical Public Radio and powered by OrthoCarolina.
Medium dd73385b0c7b7b2f9d2b3796bdd932de855ab724
The subject of the "chaire d'histoire du monde indien" is History of India and Greater India, India being the whole Indian subcontinent, including Pakistan etc., Greater India being the countries deeply influenced by Indian civilization lying outside the physical borders of the subcontinent. Actually, if G. Fussman limits himself most of the time to the ancient history of Northern India and the countries lying North of it (today Afghanistan and Uzbekistan), he made some inroads in the history of Indo-Moslem India and in the present languages of Pakistan and Afghanistan. Most of his papers and books are princeps publications of Indian inscriptions (Ashokan and Kushan), archaeological sites in Afghanistan and Pakistan, and linguistic studies of Indo-Aryan languages. Buddhism being the vehicle of the spread of Indian civilization in Central Asia, he is also very much interested in the history of Buddhism in Northern India, including its art. Les enseignements sont diffusés avec le soutien de la Fondation Bettencourt Schueller
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Medium a8212de1e6e5082da8add2ada0c1e8d7518c6a71
Medium 0a4d513cfcecf3da7da908bd4c29206fd37c94dd
Medium 9e44cb86131b49df6fd1f51958db378fd5633151
Medium 18876d6b54570baaa72c5e4740298ff3eabf4435
Medium 9eea78589d1997e5ad8d3a12e7f644c6ad0de429
Flux : investir.ch
Medium 64a91d8ee7f5171acafac2712d1353e96964b62b
Medium 939643f88b2f4ecce215577dde209eca1384e6fc
Medium 9eea78589d1997e5ad8d3a12e7f644c6ad0de429
Flux : investir.ch
Medium 9eea78589d1997e5ad8d3a12e7f644c6ad0de429
Flux : investir.ch
Medium e0efc861d08fafe460370076cf91f48382cf3cf1
Medium f0cb11aacfcb4e84972f110eb46119845a6d54c6
Medium b3ce4f46c17c76673841160ddb42a2fcb7e342b0

Qui a intérêt à refuser un cessez-le-feu à Gaza ?

podcast@radiofrance.com (Radio France)
Flux : Géopolitique
Medium 8767fa90570bc5ddeabc1f82bf4c92a538db72c7

LCC 311 - Tu changes ta licence et tu vends

Emmanuel Bernard, Guillaume Laforge, Vincent Massol, Antonio Goncalves, Aud
Medium ccdb7cb5bd2f382e5546fb43730cda280929173a
Flux : J+7
Medium 79900102fec2a5bf45df2d47847c961500d197f8
Flux : Dans le Tempo