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The Sentai Review

Fandom Knight Productions
Super Sentai discussions and reviews.
Your one stop fix for Super Sentai (also known as the Power Rangers) reviews, ratings, and discussions. Welcome to The Sentai Review!
Mots-clefs : Super,Sentai,Fandom,Knight,Power,Rangers,Henshin,Kamen,Rider
Medium 84d51f584d9dac55a7022a3ff7bb5ef1b664003e
Le podcast de débat autour du manga
Podcast, « La 5e de Couv’, l’émission de débat autour du manga. Pendant plus d'une heure, l’équipe va disséquer, charcuter et aimer le manga dans un débat d’opinion ou tous les coups sont permis. Grande gueule, avis tranchés et réflexion! #5DC pour réagir et commenter !
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Découvrez les secrets de création de la licence Power Rangers, pour fans et néophytes !
Tous les secrets de création de la licence Power Rangers à porté de main. Comment a-t-elle été crée ? Pourquoi est-elle aussi populaire ? Anecdotes, secret de création, recherche, interview et bien plus encore ! Ici, pas de subjectif, seulement des faits factuels, nous tenons à ne fournir que la vérité.
Mots-clefs : serie,tv,cinema,pop culture,power rangers,rangers,saban,disney,nicktoon,tokusatsu,sentai,français
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...discuss an article found on Redit that lists out all the television rations for Super Sentai in Japan. We talk about all the highs and lows of viewership, and what it...
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Prepare yourselves for 1991's Chōjin Sentai Jetman! Lets fly!
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Time for more Sentai! this time we visit the costumes for 1990's Chikyu Sentai Fiveman
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Ready to grow a few feet and fight evil? Then stick around for 1989's Kousoku Sentai Turboranger!
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Welcome back! We've got your fresh fix right here with 1988's Choujuu Sentai Liveman!
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We have images of 1987's Hikari Sentai Maskman in the studio to review with you this day!
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Ready for your next sentai fix? Here it is, 1985's Dengeki Sentai Changeman! To see the images as well, check...
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This time we look at the first Super Sentai show's Villians from GoRenger.
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This is the one you've been waiting for! The spark that brought us into Super Sentai. The Beginning of Mighty Morphin! This is 1992's Kyōryū Sentai Zyuranger!
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Medium c94a14869fe3353db378346f96810f2a75ff92b1
This is the conversation that set the groundwork for The Sentai Review. The very first discussion in Fandom Knight history for Power Rangers and Super Sentai.
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...Kyuranger.....I wish I woulda been there for this one. I coulda helped em out with Sentai.