

Medium 415849be7e2dae061c0d095bd2fb35a41caabba0
Hip Hop Vibe, émission de radio sur Arverne le lundi de 19 à 20H, saupoudrant les environs de Clermont d'un salvateur Hip Hop US authentique altérnatif aux produits de consommation que sont devenues les stars du Rap actuel, bien calés au supermarché entre les boîtes de petit pois et les serviettes hygièniques... Je ne peux bien sûr pas parler de cette émission que j'anime depuis 1993 sans y associer M. Maqs (l'ancien taulier), Wally et DJ Duck. La playlist de l'émission sur près de 15 ans a pas mal évolué... Début des années 90, c'était la Native Tongue(Tribe, De La Soul, Black Sheep, Leaders Of The New School, les Fu-Shnickens...), Black Moon et le Boot Camp, le Hit/Def Squad (EPMD, Redman, K Solo, Das Efx et Keith Murray),Stetsasonic, 3rd Bass et leurs amis (KMD, Kurious...), The Roots, Common, Cypress Hill, Nas, Les gars du Wu Tang, les Alkaholiks et la Likwit Crew, les Lords Of The Underground, les Brand Nubian, Public Enemy, le rooster Rawkus (Mos Def, Talib Kweli, Shabaam Sahdeeq, Thirstin Howl...), le Pharcyde, le DITC (Show & AG, Lord Finesse, Big L, Diamond D...), FunkDoobiest, House of Pain, Cypress Hill, Artifacts, Gangstarr, Jeru, Big Shug, Group Home, Digital Underground, Raw Fusion, Volume 10... Maintenant, c'est DOOM, Aesop Rock, Necro, Sabac, Mr Lif et les Perceptionnists, Louis Logic, les gars du Quannum Project (Lyrics Born, Gift Of Gab, Lateef...), DJ Shadow, les Demigodz (Apathy, Celph Titled...), Majik Most, Aesop Rock, El-P, Rob Sonic et tout le Rooster Def Jux, les Jurassic 5, Brother Ali, les Dilated People, Tame One, Blue Scholars, Edan, Madlib (et Quasimoto!), Oh No,Percee P, les Super Chron Flight Brothers, Rjd2 et Blueprint (Soul Position), Musab, J-Zone, Jedi Mind Tricks, Outerspace, Army Of The Pharaohs, Snow Goons, Son Doobie, El da Sensei, Sunspot Jonz, Ruckus Roboticus, Beans, One Be Lo, Atmosphere, Josh Martinez, Awol One, Moka Only, Evil, les Chicharones et tout le rooster Camobear, Junk Science, Ill Bill, Gore Tex, Mike Relm, The Knux, The Returners, les Sandpeople, Living Legends, The Grouch & Eilgh, Bicasso, La Coka Nostra et plein d'autres artistes que j'oublie!!!
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Sleep With Me

Silver Sleeper Productions LLC
Helps You Relax, Fall Asleep Fast and Beat Insomnia with Bedtime Stories via A Sleep Inducing Podcast
Insomnia? Mind racing at night? Worries keeping you up? Tune in for a bedtime story that lets you forget your problems and progressively gets more boring until you fall to sleep. So get in bed, press play, close your eyes, and drift off into dreamland.
Medium 4dead0e19b5c969ea2ac3070e81f6e29c08b40b0
Your Dinner Cheat Sheet
A last-minute party with no menu inspiration. A kitchen with no space. A toddler who will only eat buttered pasta. Name your dinner emergency—Bon Appétit is here to help.  Dinner SOS is the podcast where we answer desperate home cooks' cries for help. In every episode, food director Chris Morocco and a rotating cast of cooking experts tackle a highly specific conundrum and present two solutions. The caller will pick one, cook through it, and let us know if we successfully helped rescue dinner. Call in with your own dinner emergencies—no problem is too big or too small! For the recipes featured in Dinner SOS and more, head to bonappetit.com or download the new Epicurious App in the iOS App Store. You can find episodes of our previous podcast, Food People, here.
Medium f0bcd7f278fadee65410eb480881ff05f871e317
Cette édition de 1742 nous rapporte les contes de ma mère l’Oye adaptés par Charles Perrault et agrémentés de moralités.Pleines d’enseignements, ces histoires du temps...
Cette édition de 1742 nous rapporte les contes de ma mère l’Oye adaptés par Charles Perrault et agrémentés de moralités.Pleines d’enseignements, ces histoires du temps passé, contées, en France, depuis le Moyen Âge, nous ferons encore rêver ou frissonner avec leurs jeunes filles et jeunes gens dans l’adversité, leurs princesses et leurs princes et, bien sûr, leurs fées.Retrouvons donc le petit Chaperon rouge, Cendrillon, le Chat botté, … et redécouvrons d’où nous vient ce « Anne, ma soeur Anne, ne vois-tu rien venir ? » In this book, published in 1742, Charles Perrault accompanies his Tales of passed times, by Mother Goose, with witty morals.In the French language, let us discover or rediscover what happens to Cinderella, the Sleeping Beauty and their folk-tales peers.
Medium aaa2ae8dfafb6d0322bda60433b8d4e0736f4f83

The Firnecast.

Dan and Mandy
Occasionally filthy, upsettingly funny, and pretty much f-ing amazing, it's THE FIRNECAST!!! Dan and Mandy are your hosts for a comedic adventure brought to you from Ten Sleep and Worland, Wyoming. Local color, weird news, interviews with people you wish
Occasionally filthy, upsettingly funny, and pretty much f-ing amazing, it's THE FIRNECAST!!! Dan and Mandy are your hosts for a comedic adventure brought to you from Ten Sleep and Worland, Wyoming. Local color, weird news, interviews with people you wish you knew, and topics including aliens, ghosts, and hobo fires... Put us in your ear holes!!!


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Sheila Flanagan of Nettle Meadow Farm

info@HeritageRadioNetwork.org (Heritage Radio Network)
Medium 88b3d3f2dca96339e63724bffd6ba0a78b42274a

South Australian Country Hour

Australian Broadcasting Corporation
...visits the Riverland to meet with growers and winemakers amid an industry crisis, south east sheep producers discuss concerns around the proposed phase-out of live exports from Australia, and a survey of...
Medium 88b3d3f2dca96339e63724bffd6ba0a78b42274a

South Australian Country Hour

Australian Broadcasting Corporation
Medium ba54e84070c6bcd913d2f92a4f83711b1dabd84c
...was one of the wettest and coldest seasons he could remember. And it’s not just sheep farmers that have been having a hard time this spring. It’s been nearly impossible to...
Medium aff8b889188d12f8dd3e1fceb782884d21638455

1258 - Cuckoo for Cuckoo Clocks | Multiplex Ep7

dearestscooter@sleepwithmepodcast.com (Silver Sleeper Productions LLC)
Flux : Sleep With Me
Medium aff8b889188d12f8dd3e1fceb782884d21638455

1257 - Novelizers The Matrix Crossover

dearestscooter@sleepwithmepodcast.com (Silver Sleeper Productions LLC)
Flux : Sleep With Me
Medium 88b3d3f2dca96339e63724bffd6ba0a78b42274a

South Australian Country Hour

Australian Broadcasting Corporation
Medium aff8b889188d12f8dd3e1fceb782884d21638455

1256 - Birds and Buds | Alba Salix S1E2

dearestscooter@sleepwithmepodcast.com (Silver Sleeper Productions LLC)
Flux : Sleep With Me
Medium aff8b889188d12f8dd3e1fceb782884d21638455

1255 - Guide to Spence & Funk | Multiplex Ep6

dearestscooter@sleepwithmepodcast.com (Silver Sleeper Productions LLC)
Flux : Sleep With Me
Medium 88b3d3f2dca96339e63724bffd6ba0a78b42274a

South Australian Country Hour

Australian Broadcasting Corporation
Medium aff8b889188d12f8dd3e1fceb782884d21638455

1254 - Bring It On - Watchalong - Part 1

dearestscooter@sleepwithmepodcast.com (Silver Sleeper Productions LLC)
Flux : Sleep With Me
Medium 88b3d3f2dca96339e63724bffd6ba0a78b42274a

South Australian Country Hour

Australian Broadcasting Corporation
...producers shown how to use EID ear tag technology to make some production gains in sheep, recent heavy rains in parts of the outback, and the floodwaters arriving from the north...
Medium fc6c263e58340114156dab60350befafae16309b

Dj TuXxL – Afro Soul Show 2024-04-13

That Soulful Show by Dj TuXxL on Univers DJ
...Night Talk – Abomey Emmanuel Jal Francis Mercier – Hustla (Extended) DJ Angelo – Black Sheep Atmos Blaq Nomvula SA – Samkela Bun Xapa DJ Satelite – Mama Africa (Dub Mix)
Medium aff8b889188d12f8dd3e1fceb782884d21638455

1253 - Benn Broughten by The Crayon Rambler

Silver Sleeper Productions LLC
Flux : Sleep With Me
Medium aff8b889188d12f8dd3e1fceb782884d21638455
Flux : Sleep With Me