© Quai des Savoirs - Toulouse Métropole
Les podcasts référencés sur podCloud sont récupérés à partir de liens publics (Feed XML/RSS) qui nous ont été fournis par leurs auditeur⋅icesauditeurs et auditrices ainsi que des partenaires. Ce podcast m'appartient.

Podcasts sur les mêmes thèmes

Calgary: A Sprawling Obsession
Calgary: A Sprawling Obsession
A discussion around urban sprawl in Calgary and its effect on biodiversity and people
The rapid pace of Calgary’s expansion since the 50s raised questions from academics and concerned citizens, who described it as a perfect example of urban sprawl and deemed it unsustainable from the human, economic and environmental point of view. This podcast is a series in 3 episodes that aims at exploring this question, through interviews with experts to discuss the threats associated to this phenomenon from three different points of view: the threats towards Calgary inhabitants, the threats towards biodiversity and the threats towards the cultural heritage of Indigenous people. This podcast was created as part of the Canadian Wilderness Stewardship Program run by CPAWS.
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Calgary: A Sprawling Obsession
Nathaniel Vaur Henel
Nathaniel Vaur Henel
Podcast by Nathaniel Vaur Henel
Podcast by Nathaniel Vaur Henel
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Nathaniel Vaur Henel
Generation Y Podcast (90s and early 2k)
Generation Y Podcast (90s and early 2k)
Covering everything from the 90's and early 2K
This is a place for anyone born in the 1980's, or if you're cool enough to love the 90's and early 2k like we do.
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Generation Y Podcast (90s and early 2k)
Eating Matters
Eating Matters
Food has emerged as a critical policy area – and it raises big questions about health, labor, sustainability and our collective future. Join host Jenna Liut for conversations with food policy experts and leaders about the issues that shape our everyday experiences of buying, cooking and eating food.
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Eating Matters
Podcasts – Free Trans Radio
Podcasts – Free Trans Radio
100% LGBT Pro-Liberté
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Podcasts – Free Trans Radio
What were they thinking?
What were they thinking?
The stories behind Europe's most successful clean mobility startups
The European Startup Prize for Mobility is proud to present its podcast series, featuring the stories behind the women and men who won Europe's largest acceleration programme for clean mobility startups. ‘What were they thinking’, moderated by our Managing Director, Dan Sobovitz in a one-on-one conversation with the founders and CEOs about the journeys that have transformed their professional and personal lives and that are about to transform European mobility as we know it. What were they thinking? How did it feel to go the lonely road of an entrepreneur? Did people follow them easily or did they think they were crazy? Was it fun all along or mostly frustrating? Deep down, did they really believe they would make it this far?
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What were they thinking?