Medium 3d07216fbe816238f5c08e141f866f92bd8a4458
Medium 0bbde15aabaf1b12e39c44a6dfad15cf30a26e53
Medium a0d9d93d6341169f281931d40786902cb7bad1d9
Medium 7f1df0771c22cb487fb014fdadd35841f5dcd1af
...00:57:44 - Les Grandes Traversées - par : Michel Schneider - Rencontres. Avec Pierre Levy Soussan, pédopsychiatre et psychanalyste français. Puis, avec Steven Poser, psychanalyste américain, pour retracer la psychopathologie de...
Medium 7bf39eca30dc70906837f0da5d1b7f5dea334be6
...world. Listen to the the show to find out why! Former Ozzy Osbourne bassist Phil Soussan recently recalled the experience of having a young Metallica open for his boss back in...
Medium 79cb53a60bacd930cbb333569470402d09a4cae5
Medium c5aa0fa41c427a428a742871398922d710e0c278
...Paris Match en 2011 La série Beckham La série Soda Le Fridge Ilyes Djadel Elisa Soussan On n'demande qu'à en rire (ONDAR) Le film Gangsterdam Le documentaire Kev Adams - De...
Medium c5aa0fa41c427a428a742871398922d710e0c278
Medium 7f734c5360e328fa3cbdd42a126a31ab49ce0027
Medium 5357bed9607266c24c74fa7d628f4fb6a87caecd
...tour - they lost Jimmy Bain unexpectedly. So they asked former Ozzy Osbourne bassist Phil Soussan to join the band, and they soldiered on. And today, Vivian Campbell and Phil Soussan...
Medium 7b0240c12ad33deb66d338334bb8b546a9a9b356

Jake E Lee Interview

Loose Cannon & Bakko
...that covers everything from Ozzy wanting to write songs at 3:00 in the morning, Phil Soussan conspiring against him, not bonding with Ozzy, the Badlands manager trying to blackmail him, how...
Medium 7b0240c12ad33deb66d338334bb8b546a9a9b356
...that covers everything from Ozzy wanting to write songs at 3:00 in the morning, Phil Soussan conspiring against him, not bonding with Ozzy, the Badlands manager trying to blackmail him, how...
Medium 675869b5a429bee0bd1ad27badabcf6fa3e3d88c
Flux : La Story
Medium 04487121e43aed8ac39e52371f4df55e4faf2548

The European Playbook - Talk 7 of the "Runway Series Summit: The Fundamentals of Success".

Raph Grieco, in partnership with OLIVE CAPITAL, produced by UPCOMINGVC®
The European Playbook. With Augustin Sayer (Newfund), Audrey Soussan (Ventech), Evgenia Plotnikova (Dawn Capital), Ricardo Sequerra (Point Nine) and Shiraz Mahfoudhi (Speedinvest). - -...
Medium 04487121e43aed8ac39e52371f4df55e4faf2548

AMA VC #6. - Revenue Model, avec Audrey Soussan, General Partner @Ventech.

Raph Grieco, in partnership with OLIVE CAPITAL, produced by UPCOMINGVC®
...pour conclure cette série⚡ Dans cet échange sur le “Revenue Model”, nous avons reçu @Audrey Soussan, General Partner chez @Ventech, un fonds pan-européen qui investit principalement en Series A de € 2...
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