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How Much Festival Is Too Much Festival?

popcast@nytimes.com (The New York Times)
Flux : Popcast
Jon Caramanica, Jon Pareles and Ben Ratliff discuss the vicissitudes and artistic value of music festivals.
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...In part two H catches up with Simon Yarwood, organiser, founder and booker of Uprising festival entering its fourth year. Next up is old friend of the show, Andy Pilkington. He...
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SUPPORT THIS PODCAST In this first part of the festive festival Special H chats to Gary Paterson founder and organiser of Amplified Festival, Jenny Duncan head...
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Medium 3ef72d69d488fb449798ded3e7ba12d4701f5528
...Renaissance Magazine Renaissance Magazine is proud to present the winners of the 9th Annual Renaissance Festival Awards! The Awards were created by the Renaissance Festival Podcast and were sponsored by Renaissance...
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Festive Starters

BBC Radio Ulster
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Film Festivals

Leonard Maltin & Jessie Maltin
Leonard and Jessie discuss film festivals they’ve recently attended—large and small—and the phenomenon they represent for filmmakers and moviegoers alike. From...
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...Invasion Vacation! You will enjoy a small, friendly group that is … Continue reading "Renaissance Festival Podcast #222 – Live from Arizona Renaissance Festival 2014"
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#12 Celtic and Renaissance Festival Music with Renaissance Festival Podcast -

Marc Gunn, Porter and Stout, Gypsy Guerrilla Band, Cheshire Singers, My Lady's Cutlass, Maidens III, Howl-O, Wolgemut
Celtic and Renaissance festival Christmas music from the 2006 Holiday Special of the Renaissance Festival Podcast. Music from Porter...
Medium b011f56ce2a0192665561610c9b3c8840a9ad2fb

#10 Celtic and Renaissance Festival Music with Renaissance Festival Podcast -

Marc Gunn, The Cheshire Singers, Kerridwynn, NeidFyre, The Limeybirds, Craig o’Farrington, Howl-O!, Fugli
Celtic and folk Christmas music from the 2005 Celtic Christmas Special of the Renaissance Festival Podcast. Music from The Cheshire Singers, Kerridwynn, NeidFyre, The Limeybirds, Craig o’Farrington, Howl-O!, Fugli, Malarkey...
Medium 5b93c7848e1872e2b533ec2f3fefba9e8190884b
Flux : Popcast
...ubiquitous, but only some are curated well enough to be thrilling. And there’s the Fyre Festival.
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291 - Fyre Festival

Do Go On Media
Flux : Do Go On
Fyre Festival - an immersive music festival, unlike anything anyone had ever seen before. Fly to the...
Medium f8c4f5b8c53842e31bdedb2f577d7220cd9e4413
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