Medium c727865480b5d0e32eb3a04205a0348211cfad31
On a invité notre ami Pierre Journel (Twitter : @pjournel, @laChaineguitare) de La Chaîne Guitare (http://lachaineguitare.com) à venir nous parler un peu de sa passion, son...
Medium 5de52b3445d7dd9b48b4e36a5941f2a33eea7448
durée : 00:59:09 - New York Guitar Stories - Avec la guitariste américaine Sharon Isbin (1/2) - par : Sébastien Llinares -...
Medium 5160dcf3ff504d8bfb5c28513d64c72ed2755179
Boone from Otis returns to GRS to discuss new music, guitars, amps, Kentucky Headhunters and ZZ Top
Medium 6a56ba4716b2865c4c919774910f62ee128957d2
...are back for Episode 527 of the Chasing Tone Podcast - The most important electric guitar performance ever? Also New Guitar Day! Brian teases a "special private show" and Richard discovers...
Medium cb83673a5de05d0e062320189b4bb5a678e36edb
Flux : Guitar Nerds
Hello dear listener, This week, we're joined by the enigmatic Ken Haas of Reverend Guitars! He's spilling beans all over the place, breaking embargoes like they're twigs and generally telling...
Medium a2ed287b739dd27f2d7c6aa34f373e1f6cab31dd
Owner of Atlanta Vintage Guitars joins us to discuss the history and the future of this long standing Guitar Institution. 
Medium cb83673a5de05d0e062320189b4bb5a678e36edb
Flux : Guitar Nerds
Hello dear listener, This week on Guitar Nerds, JD and I are taking a look at a few new effects pedals! Including...
Medium 562dd917ace257f456ddff8be2a934f312b14e3e
For the focus of this week's episode, see the attached guitar meme from @SongStoriesRewind which casts a wide net, and sparks the discussion of axes and...
Medium 8d486ed7268dc757b1c33a360e247b5efe59c215
...- Takes You Higher Michael Dintrich - "Suite siderale; 3 souffles" - N°2 - La Guitare Au-Delà... Stephen Travis Pope - "Kombination XI: A Ritual Place (Prelude)" - The Virtuosa in...
Medium 5de52b3445d7dd9b48b4e36a5941f2a33eea7448
durée : 00:59:09 - Le tango du guitariste Hugo Rivas, né à Buenos Aires - par : Sébastien Llinares - "ll y a...
Medium 6083ea9a4c136c7dff532caeb341f949033de3ef

Mi bémol et mollahs

podcast@radiofrance.com (Radio France)
...explose les faits… et dénonce ici, en chanson, aux côtés de Frédéric Fromet à la guitare, le traitement des femmes par les talibans en Afghanistan.
Medium b63b908159f98d8ac517d8404b792aa262339401

Mi bémol et mollahs

podcast@radiofrance.com (Radio France)
...explose les faits… et dénonce ici, en chanson, aux côtés de Frédéric Fromet à la guitare, le traitement des femmes par les talibans en Afghanistan.
Medium 1d2735c09fe2af4d7fe35ff8b81791d8d3756a5f

Episode 329 - Motander SM65 Ardweirdo

Ed Peterson and John Kieltyka
Flux : The High Gain
Justin Motander Jones is making some wonderfully inventive guitars down there in San Diego, CA. He’s been experimenting with creating effects by controlling the...
Medium 562dd917ace257f456ddff8be2a934f312b14e3e
If you're a fan of guitar-driven rock music, the days of Hendrix, Page, and Halen are long gone. Nowadays, the guitar...
Medium 863e658e36071eee6228319579b606ebc090aff4
...you probably haven't heard before! Derek Kimball from Kimball Hardwoods shares his journey into the guitar industry and supplying high quality, and specific wood for high-end guitars. We discuss the importance...
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