Flux : Second Opinion
The effect of stress on our health...
|| (WNYC Studios)
Flux : Radiolab
Stresscangiveyourbodyaboost-raisingadrenalinelevels,pumpingbloodtothemuscles,heighteningoursenses.Andthosesuddensuperpowerscanbeaboonwhenyou’rerunningfromalion.Butrepeatedlydippingintothatwellcanmakeyousick,evenkillyou.Sinceitfeelslikethere’sbeenanextrabitofstressgoingaroundlately,wedecidedtoreplaythisepisode,originallyairedbackin2005,whichtakesalonghardlookatthebody'ssystemforgettingoutoftrouble.Andhowinourmodern,hyper-connectedworld,thatsystemmisfiresandtakesusfromthefryingpan,rightintoanother,albeitentirelydifferent,fryingpan. StanfordUniversityneurologist(andpart-time"baboonologist")Dr.RobertSapolskytakesusthroughwhathappensonourinsideswhenwestandinthewronglineatthesupermarket,andoffersafewcopingstrategies:gnawingonwood,beatingthecrapoutofsomebody,andhavingfriends.Plus:thestoryofasingerwholosthervoice,andanauthorstuckinabodythatnevergrewup. SupportRadiolabbybecomingamemberof TheLab today. RadiolabisonYouTube! Catchupwithnewepisodesandhearclassicsfromourarchive.Plus,findothercoolthingswedidinthepast—likeminiseries,musicvideos,shortfilmsandanimations,behind-the-scenesfeatures,Radiolabliveshows,andmore.Takealook,exploreandsubscribe!
Stress ReliefSandra Daugherty
Flux : Sex Nerd Sandra
Don't Stress the FutureiHeartPodcasts and HowStuffWorks
Flux : Fw:Thinking
Does more data increase our stress levels? Is it true that the more choices you have the harder it is to...
Don't Distress, De-StressGreta Johnsen
Flux : Nerdette
551 - Stress and IntonationMichael Digiacomo Happy English
Flux : Happy English Podcast
Stress-Free Small (The Art of Manliness)
Flux : The Art of Manliness
...helps them by teaching them the mechanics of conversation, which he shares in his book Stress-Free Small Talk, as well as on today’s show. Rich and I begin our conversation with...
Flux : To the Point
Two of the biggest issues faced by soldiers and combat veterans are stress and mental health. At Walter Reed Hospital, doctors have enlisted psychiatric service dogs to help...
Handling Stress as an EntrepreneurChris Ducker
...the ride is filled with long hours, hard work and dealing with a lot of stress. Whether you stay cool under pressure or stress out easily, every entrepreneur learns to develop...
Animal Advocacy and Emotional StressColleen Patrick-Goudreau |
Get Your Stress Bake OnGreta Johnsen
Flux : Nerdette
It’s a fair bet that stress baking is on the rise. (See what we did there?) So we thought it was...
Flux : To the Point
So-called "stress tests" on nineteen big banks have postponed decisions that could be politically unpopular for the...
Flux : To the Point
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