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Where real entrepreneurs pitch to real investors—for real money.
Where real entrepreneurs pitch to real investors—for real money. The Pitch takes you behind closed doors and into the world of startups: how people sell their ideas, what makes investors tick, and how these initial conversations can bloom into business deals—or die on the vine. Hosted by Josh Muccio.All eight seasons are available for free on Spotify.
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Les Bières Narratives

Les Bières Narratives
Le podcast de la Pop Culture et de la Pop Culture
Le podcast de la Pop culture et de la Hop culture ! 🍿🍺 A chaque émission nous accordons une bière de notre choix avec un art narratif (film, série, jeu vidéo, livre etc...)  Ce Podcast est animé par Greg du site "The Beer Lantern (http://www.thebeerlantern.com)", Eric du site  "Les arts narratifs (http://www.lesartsnarratifs.com)" et Brice alias Captain Ordi! Site officiel : www.lesbieresnarratives.com (http://www.lesbieresnarratives.com)  Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/lesbieresnarratives  Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/les_bieres_narratives/  Twitter : https://twitter.com/Bieresnarrativ   Linkedin : https://www.linkedin.com/company/les-bi%C3%A8res-narratives  Flux RSS : https://feed.ausha.co/yJXvRIKgRrO2  Notre compte Tipee : https://fr.tipeee.com/les-bieres-narratives (https://fr.tipeee.com/les-bieres-narratives)  Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez ausha.co/fr/politique-de-confidentialite pour plus d'informations.
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Rock & Roll News
A weekly Podcast that covers events that took place this week in Rock & Roll History; who was in the studio recording what would become a big hit, and spotlight artists that are celebrating birthdays this week. Join me for the entire weekly four hour radio show, Treasure Island Oldies, The Home of Lost Treasures at www.treasureislandoldies.com. On the air every week since 1997, 
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Chanteur durable

Théophile ARDY
Concert de proximité, scènes partagées, rencontres vivantes, productions en circuit-court... avec chanteur durable, je vous invite à découvrir les pionniers d’un nouveau territoire de chanson.
Il y a 3 ans, alors que j'arpentais les jardins des particuliers pour livrer la chanson à domicile, un couple d'amis s'étant récemment lancé dans la permaculture me dit : "Tu es un chanteur durable". Je suis Théophile ARDY de la compagnie Des histoires en musique. Concert de proximité, scènes partagées, rencontres vivantes, productions en court-circuit... avec chanteur durable je vous invite à découvrir les pionniers d’un nouveau territoire de chanson.
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Les Soundtracks des animés, c'est pas que pour les japonais !
9e année pour ce Podcast consacré à la musique de fonds (Soundtrack) de séries animées et de films d'animation japonaises ou étrangères des années 70 à fin 2000.


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...mais si tu continues comme ça, progrès, tu vas avoir des problèmes. Mais sinon, un ordi qui marche, c'est quand même bien le kif, hein. Et pour rappel, Les Sondiers participent...
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Flux : 103 Klubb
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...that took place this week in Rock & Roll History; who was in the studio recording what would become a big hit, and spotlight artists that are celebrating birthdays this week....
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...that took place this week in Rock & Roll History; who was in the studio recording what would become a big hit, and spotlight artists that are celebrating birthdays this week....
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...that took place this week in Rock & Roll History; who was in the studio recording what would become a big hit, and spotlight artists that are celebrating birthdays this week....
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...that took place this week in Rock & Roll History; who was in the studio recording what would become a big hit, and spotlight artists that are celebrating birthdays this week....
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...1:32:14   Closing the Ep - 1:34:32 Patreon Clip - 1:36:34   Related Links Livestreamed Recording of OV421 on YouTube ‘Late Night with the Devil’ AI Usage Sparks Debate: Fair or...
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...that took place this week in Rock & Roll History; who was in the studio recording what would become a big hit, and spotlight artists that are celebrating birthdays this week....
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...that took place this week in Rock & Roll History; who was in the studio recording what would become a big hit, and spotlight artists that are celebrating birthdays this week....
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...that took place this week in Rock & Roll History; who was in the studio recording what would become a big hit, and spotlight artists that are celebrating birthdays this week....
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...aujourd’hui mon micro à Philippe Chappat Président de l’association La Fabrique et à Maxime Lavieville coordinateur, pour essayer de comprendre cette fabrique, cette manufacture de projets artistiques aux valeurs coopératives et...
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Come Adventure With Me #281

Marc Gunn, The Hobbit, Manran,