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Rock & Metal Combat PodcastIan Wadley & Ralph Viera
Rock & Metal Reviews
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Blood Sweat and Metal's PodcastBlood Sweat and Metal
Give it a listen!
We are a Metal show for the fans by the fans. We try to cover all forms of Metal in our show.
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The Metal Show With Gully and JoeAlan Gulliver
The home for the best Rock and Metal online
This is the online home for Rock and Metal music. This show brings you exclusive interviews and tracks from bands around the globe.
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Gorehound & Metal Ma Ma RadioGorehound
If you like kick ass metal tunes of all kinds to mosh away with then tune in to this station every Sunday @6PM UK Time here you will find the newest and classic metal tunes being played to blast your eardrums away with your hosts Gorehound along with...
If you like kick ass metal tunes of all kinds to mosh away with then tune in to this station every Sunday @6PM UK Time here you will find the newest and classic metal tunes being played to blast your eardrums away with your hosts Gorehound along with Metal Ma Ma who co hosts with me the Sunday's after. you can also find us on our facebook page the link is provided in this description box https://www.facebook.com/GorehoundAndMetalMaMaMetalSessionOfficial/
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Classic Rock and Heavy Metal from the 70s, 80s and now
Your monthly fix of what's happening in the world of Classic Rock & Heavy Metal. All your favourite bands from the 70s and 80s are still around, still touring and still releasing new material. Catch up on all your favourites with our news roundup, find out about new bands who are keeping the faith and enjoy features, interviews and gig reports. For archive episodes not seen here, visit http://www.classicrockpodcast.com
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The Eddie Trunk PodcastSiriusXM
Eddie Trunk, the most well-known name in hard rock and metal music, brings his insight, commentary, reviews, discussion, and in-depth interviews to the podcast world! Join Eddie and his famous friends in rock and entertainment every week for a rollicking good time.
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The Eddie Trunk PodcastSiriusXM
Eddie Trunk, the most well-known name in hard rock and metal music, brings his insight, commentary, reviews, discussion, and in-depth interviews to the podcast world! Join Eddie and his famous friends in rock and entertainment every week for a rollicking good time.
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The Eddie Trunk PodcastSiriusXM
Eddie Trunk, the most well-known name in hard rock and metal music, brings his insight, commentary, reviews, discussion, and in-depth interviews to the podcast world! Join Eddie and his famous friends in rock and entertainment every week for a rollicking good time.
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Talking MetalTalking Metal
One of the longest running podcasts. We talk about hard rock and metal. Hosted and produced by Mark Strigl. Guests have included members of Motley Crue, Iron Maiden, Black Sabbath, Slayer, Exodus, System Of A Down, Motorhead, Kiss, Megadeth, Korn and many more. Established in 2005 by Mark Strigl and John "Ostronomy" Ostrosky. Please visit MarkStrigl.net for more info. Bonus content by Mark Strigl is available on Patreon.
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Radulich in BroadcastingMark Radulich
Radulich in Broadcasting has a great reputation for providing tremendous podcast content in the Entertainment world. Now, they bring their myriad of podcasts to the W2M Network. Prepare for great things about Movies, Music, Comics, and TV Shows.
Radulich in Broadcasting has a great reputation for providing tremendous podcast content in the Entertainment world. Now, they bring their myriad of shows to the W2M Network. Prepare for great things from Movie and Metal Music Reviews to Comic Book talk and more. Mark Radulich has been an internet personality since 2004 with his Progressive Conservatism blog. He then took that blog to the airwaves and created a podcast for it. It then changed to PC Live. After that, he brought out the 411mania Ground and Pound Radio as well. Finally, Mark would partner up with another 411mania alum, Sean Comer, to create the movie franchise review podcast Long Road to Ruin and then Robert Cooper to create the metal album review podcast, The Metal Hammer of Doom. Robert Winfree took over the MMA show and then added his own podcast, Everybody Loves a Bad Guy. That’s when the Radulich in Broadcasting Network was born. Joining Winfree in having their own podcasts were super fan’s Jesse Starcher (Source Material) and Jayson Teasley (From the Cheap Seats). The RIB has also partnered with The Casual Heroes for wrestling shows and the occasional movie related podcast. Finally Winfree and Radulich added a weekly movie review show to the ever growing lists of podcasts on the Network. Don't forget to give that Radulich in Broadcasting Network Facebook page a like to stay up on top of all the great podcasts that they have to offer. You can find them at your convenience on blogtalkradio.com, Stitcher, TuneIn Radio, or iTunes! Just search "radulich" to subscribe to the network
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Radio CirculabBrieuc Saffré & Justine Laurent
Faire mieux avec moins dans un monde incertain !
Bienvenue sur Radio Circulab !
Créé en 2012, Circulab est à la fois :
- un studio de projets post-croissance ;
- une plateforme de ressources et outils traduits en 11 langues ;
- une communauté d'experts basés sur les 5 continents.
Chaque semaine, découvrez un nouvel épisode des différents formats pour vous aider à faire mieux avec moins dans un monde incertain.
Ce podcast est animé, tous les mercredis, par Justine Laurent et Brieuc Saffré.
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Savant Sachant ChercherScience Infuse
Pour que la science infuse
Savant Sachant Chercher est un podcast de vulgarisation scientifique où Laure et Adrien vont interviewer des chercheur.e.s directement dans leur labo !
Les scientifiques parlent de leurs recherches, mais aussi de culture scientifique, d’elles et d’eux et de ce qui les anime.
Ce podcast est ouvert à toutes et tous, pas besoin de connaissances particulières !
Laure Caruso est docteure en physique, auteure et réalisatrice de documentaires scientifiques et Adrien Petit, formation ingénieur microélectronique, est auteur et monteur freelance de podcasts.
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Batcast Batman LegendBatman Legend
Découvrez les Batcasts, les Podcasts par Batman Legend réalisés pour les fans de Batman !
Découvrez nos Batcasts : Le podcast par Batman Legend !
Au programme des Batcasts : Retour sur les sorties Comics de Batman chez Urban Comics, et de nombreux débats autour du thème de Batman (films, comics, séries animées, jeu-vidéo, etc...).
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Radio AniméeRadio Animée
C'est obligé le slogan ?
Radio Animée est une radio calaisienne, expérimentale et créative proposée par un collectif de salarié•es, d’artistes et de citoyen•nes dans le cadre du projet Rhizomes. Radio Animée est hébergée à Anima, le pôle ESS de la ville.
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