Medium 1e189ed4268cd526600c235aa683eec08ebe827a
...Carstensen has made anti trust law his specialty, particularly as it pertains to the American Dairy Industry . He explains how a co-op model initiated decades ago to help dairy farmers bargain...
Medium 39f2dec540947e2e8c3760fccc874433cf1bf4e5

Episode 300: Workers rights in the Dairy Industry

info@heritageradionetwork.org (Heritage Radio Network)
Medium 9f030358fbe22ed82a648db4835b4cb4b797fef0
Medium 1e189ed4268cd526600c235aa683eec08ebe827a
Professor Andy Novakovic takes listeners through the economics of the dairy industry and why milk prices have fallen below the price of production. What can small to...
Medium 1e189ed4268cd526600c235aa683eec08ebe827a

Episode 252: The Alternative to Dairy Farmers of America

info@heritageradionetwork.org (Heritage Radio Network)
Medium 51ddc82d7b260f9b22f61d1a6acc53d7a6df90e7

Episode 28: John Bunting

info@HeritageRadioNetwork.org (Heritage Radio Network)
Anne speaks with John Bunting of John Bunting’s Dairy Journal to discuss the dairy industry and the monetary side of making milk.
Medium 88b3d3f2dca96339e63724bffd6ba0a78b42274a

South Australian Country Hour

Australian Broadcasting Corporation
Medium 1e189ed4268cd526600c235aa683eec08ebe827a

Episode 246: Lorraine Lewandrowski

info@heritageradionetwork.org (Heritage Radio Network)
...first episode of 2018, What Doesn’t Kill You launches a multipart series diving into the dairy industry . Today’s guest is a dairy farmer and environmental attorney in Herkimer County N.Y., Lorraine...
Medium 1e189ed4268cd526600c235aa683eec08ebe827a

Episode 248: Rhody Fresh Dairy Co-Op Forges a New Path for Small Farmers

info@heritageradionetwork.org (Heritage Radio Network)
...together to call their own shots. the challenges and the pitfalls of competing with the dairy industry as a small producer. What Doesn't Kill You is powered by Simplecast
Medium 51ddc82d7b260f9b22f61d1a6acc53d7a6df90e7

Episode 136: Lauren Melodia of Milk Not Jails

info@HeritageRadioNetwork.org (Heritage Radio Network)
Medium 88b3d3f2dca96339e63724bffd6ba0a78b42274a

South Australian Country Hour

Australian Broadcasting Corporation
...campaign to provide better support and protections for veterinarians reaches a significant milestone, South Australia's dairy industry to investigate converting the methane off farm wastewater ponds into electricity, and new biosecurity legislation...
Medium 88b3d3f2dca96339e63724bffd6ba0a78b42274a

South Australian Country Hour

Australian Broadcasting Corporation
...to a new structure, a review of the options to abate greenhouse gases in the dairy industry , and a new field day focuses on educating people moving to small acreages in...
Medium 51ddc82d7b260f9b22f61d1a6acc53d7a6df90e7

Episode 256: Major in Dairy Science

info@HeritageRadioNetwork.org (Heritage Radio Network)
Medium 5b6b0b56ba8494f90c9f4b13feec8c32a275d61f
...all about what makes a gold cup winner, and the current state of the UK dairy industry .        (Photo credit: Tim Scrivener, Farmer's Weekly)     EAT FARM NOW:...
Medium 2af8c1ccf7886a7c4014a5901a82f4bd21e4c73b

Episode 111: Got Milk?

info@HeritageRadioNetwork.org (Heritage Radio Network)
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