© Agence La Relève
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Podcasts sur les mêmes thèmes

What were they thinking?
What were they thinking?
The stories behind Europe's most successful clean mobility startups
The European Startup Prize for Mobility is proud to present its podcast series, featuring the stories behind the women and men who won Europe's largest acceleration programme for clean mobility startups. ‘What were they thinking’, moderated by our Managing Director, Dan Sobovitz in a one-on-one conversation with the founders and CEOs about the journeys that have transformed their professional and personal lives and that are about to transform European mobility as we know it. What were they thinking? How did it feel to go the lonely road of an entrepreneur? Did people follow them easily or did they think they were crazy? Was it fun all along or mostly frustrating? Deep down, did they really believe they would make it this far?
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What were they thinking?
The Sourdough Podcast
The Sourdough Podcast
Stories to feed your sourdough passion.
Inspiring conversations from leaders and innovators throughout the sourdough community. Hear the stories behind the bakers, authors, growers, millers, artists, and other creative minds that you've always wondered about.
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The Sourdough Podcast
Hoppy Night in Canada
Hoppy Night in Canada
Brew north, strong and free! Podcasting from Victoria, exploring the wide world of Canadian craft beer.
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Hoppy Night in Canada
S-Town is a podcast hosted by Brian Reed from Serial Productions, a New York Times company. The story follows a man named John who despises his Alabama town and decides to do something about it. He asks Brian to investigate the son of a wealthy family who's allegedly been bragging that he got away with murder. But when someone else ends up dead, the search for the truth leads to a nasty feud, a hunt for hidden treasure, and an unearthing of the mysteries of one man's life. To get full access to this show, and to other Serial Productions and New York Times podcasts on Apple Podcasts and Spotify, subscribe at nytimes.com/podcasts. To find out about new shows from Serial Productions, and get a look behind the scenes, sign up for our newsletter at nytimes.com/serialnewsletter. Have a story pitch, a tip, or feedback on our shows? Email us at serialshows@nytimes.com
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Modernist BreadCrumbs
Modernist BreadCrumbs
Modernist Cuisine founder Nathan Myhrvold and head chef Francisco Migoya join host Jordan Werner Barry and executive producer Michael Harlan Turkell for Modernist BreadCrumbs, a special series taking a new look at one of the oldest staples of the human diet: bread. Start with starter and then take a look at the discoveries and techniques from Modernist Bread. Enjoy interviews with the bakers, scientists, chefs, authors, millers, and Bread Heads who are shaping the future of bread. We’ll take deep dives into the microbial world, heritage grains, flatbreads, and breads with holes, but we’ll also step back and look at how bread intersects with culture, fermentation, immigration, art, and tradition. Fire up your oven and follow the breadcrumbs.
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Modernist BreadCrumbs
Le Podauditeur podcast
Le Podauditeur podcast
Vous brûlez d'envie de savoir qui se cachent derrière les voix du podcasting francophone ... Ecoutez les interviews du Podauditeur...
Vous brûlez d'envie de savoir qui se cachent derrière les voix du podcasting francophone ... Ecoutez les interviews du Podauditeur...
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Le Podauditeur podcast